Could not resolve one of your host names.
A DNS lookup failure on your host name. In some versions of the Windows TCP/IP libraries, a host cannot be resolved by IP address. We have not discovered a reason for this, but if you enter an IP address as the host, you may encounter the above message, even though no DNS or hosts file should be necessary.
Make sure that the host name is correct, and that your DNS settings are correct. If you are not using DNS, or the host you want to use is not in the DNS, then you must add the host name to your /windows/hosts file, or your /winnt/system32/drivers/etc/hosts file, and refer to the target machine by that name.
In some versions of the Windows TCP/IP libraries, a host cannot be resolved by IP address. We have not discovered a reason for this. If you enter an IP address as the host, you may encounter the above message, even though no DNS or hosts file should be necessary. To correct this, add an entry to your hosts file, and refer to the target machine by name.
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