GtkColorSelection -- a widget used to select a color.
The GtkColorSelection is a widget that is used to select
a color. It consists of a color wheel and number of sliders
and entry boxes for color parameters such as hue, saturation,
value, red, green, blue, and opacity. It is found on the standard
color selection dialog box GtkColorSelectionDialog.
struct GtkColorSelection
struct GtkColorSelection; |
The GtkColorSelection struct contains private data only,
and should be accessed using the functions below.
gtk_color_selection_set_update_policy ()
Sets the policy controlling when the color_changed signals are emitted.
The available policies are:
GTK_UPDATE_CONTINUOUS - signals are sent continuously as the color
selection changes.
GTK_UPDATE_DISCONTINUOUS - signals are sent only when the mouse
button is released.
GTK_UPDATE_DELAYED - signals are sent when the mouse button is
released or when the mouse has been motionless for a period of
gtk_color_selection_set_opacity ()
Controls whether opacity can be set with the GtkColorSelection.
If this functionality is enabled, the necessary additional widgets
are added to the GtkColorSelection and the opacity value can be
retrieved via the fourth value in the color array returned by
the gtk_color_selection_get_color() function.
gtk_color_selection_set_color ()
Sets the color in the GtkColorSelection. The widgets are updated
to reflect the new color.
gtk_color_selection_get_color ()
Retrieve the currently selected color value.
The "color-changed" signal
This signal is emitted when the color changes in the GtkColorSelection
according to its update policy.