
ReadCSV.g — reads a CSV file and writes the points and values to the DataHub.



The code for this and other example scripts can be found in the DataHub distribution archive, typically at one of these locations:

    C:\Program Files\Cogent\OPC DataHub\scripts\

    C:\Program Files\Cogent\Cascade DataHub\scripts\

Please refer to Section 3.1, “How to Run a Script” for more information on using scripts.

 * This script reads a CSV file and writes the values found there
 * into a set of data points in the DataHub.  The format of the
 * file is:
 * row 1:  name1, name2, name3, ...
 * row 2:  value1, value2, value3, ...
 * row 3:  value1, value2, value3, ...
 *  ...
 * row N:  value1, value2, value3, ...
 * The script will read all rows in the file, but ignore all but
 * the first and last.  The first row contains the point names and
 * the last contains the most recent data.
 * If a name is left blank then that column is ignored.
 * If a point name does not contain a domain name, then the domain
 * set in the "domain" member of the application is used.
 * e.g.,
 *    default:point1, default:point2, default:point3
 *    1, 2, 3
 *    4, 5, 6
 * will result in:
 *    default:point1 = 4
 *    default:point2 = 5
 *    default:point3 = 6
 * Strings containing ',' characters must be quoted within double quotes,
 * like this:
 *    "hello, friend"
 * Double-quotes within strings must be escaped, like this:
 *    "He said, \"hello\"."
 * This script will guess whether a value is a number or a string.  If the
 * value can be parsed to a number, it is treated as a number.  Otherwise it
 * is a string.
 * This script looks for new data at a set time interval.
 * This script will operate in one of two modes:
 *    In "reload" mode, the file is re-read from the beginning on each
 *    timer tick.
 *    In "append" mode, the file is kept open, and the file is read
 *    from the last read position on each timer tick.  This mode will
 *    not work if the writing application does not open the file
 *    as "shared".
 * This script adds a menu item to the OPC DataHub system tray icon that
 * allows the user to re-load the file, change reade mode, and toggle logging
 * to the Script Log window.

require ("Application");

class ReadCSV Application
    mode = #reload;		// set to #reload or #append
    domain = "default";
    filename = "c:/tmp/data.csv";
    verbose = t;
    update_secs = 5;
    separators = ",";	// e.g, use " " for space separated, or "\t" for tab-separated
    /* --- No need to change these --- */

/* Logging function that prepends the time to the output. */
method ReadCSV.Log (args...)
    if (.verbose)
        funcall (princ, cons (date(), cons(": ", args)));

/* Open the given file, if possible. */
method ReadCSV.OpenFile (filename)
    .fptr = open(filename, "r");
    if (!.fptr)
        .Log ("Could not open file: ", filename);
        .filename = filename;
        .Log ("File: ", filename, " opened");

method ReadCSV.CloseFile ()
    if (.fptr)
        .Log ("File: ", .filename, " closed");
        .fptr = nil;

method ReadCSV.Trim(str)
    local		l = strlen(str), start, end;
    for (start=0; start<l && strchr(" \t",str[start]) != -1;)
    for (end=l-1; end >= start && strchr(" \t",str[end]) != -1;)
    if (start != 0 || end != l-1)

method ReadCSV.ReadColumns ()
    local		line = read_line (.fptr);
    local		i;
    if (line != _eof_)
        line = list_to_array(string_split(line,.separators,0,t,"\"\"",t,"\\",nil));
        for (i=0; i<length(line); i++)
            if (.Trim(line[i]) == "")
                line[i] = nil;
                if (strchr(line[i],':') == -1)
                    line[i] = string(.domain,":",line[i]);
                line[i] = symbol(line[i]);
                datahub_command(format("(create %s 1)", stringc(line[i])),1);
        .columns = line;
        .Log("Set columns to ", .columns);

method ReadCSV.GuessTypeValue (str)
    local		value;

        value = parse_string(str,nil);
        if (!number_p(value))
            value = str;
        value = str;

method ReadCSV.ApplyLine (line)
    local		i, value;
    .Log ("Applying line: ", line);
    if (line)
        line = list_to_array(string_split(line,.separators,0,t,"\"\"",nil,"\\",nil));
        for (i=0; i<length(.columns); i++)
            if (.columns[i])
                value = .GuessTypeValue(line[i]);
                //.Log ("Set: ", .columns[i], " to ", stringc(value));
                if (value)
                    set(.columns[i], value);

method ReadCSV.ReadLines ()
    local		line, input;

    .Log ("Looking for new data...");
    while ((input = read_line(.fptr)) != _eof_)
        if (.Trim(input) != "")
            line = input;
    if (line)

method ReadCSV.ReadFile (filename)
    if (!.fptr)
    if (.fptr)
        if (.mode == #reload)

method ReadCSV.SetMode (mode)
    .mode = mode;
    .Log("Set read mode to ", mode);
                         string("Set ", (mode == #append) ? "Reload" : "Append",
                                " Mode"));
    if (.filename)

method ReadCSV.ToggleMode ()
    .SetMode((.mode == #append) ? (#reload) : (#append));

method ReadCSV.ToggleVerbose ()

method ReadCSV.SetVerbose (mode)
    .verbose = t;
    .Log("Set verbosity to ", (mode ? "verbose" : "quiet"));
    .verbose = mode;
                         string(mode ? "Quiet" : "Verbose", " Mode"));

method ReadCSV.Reload (filename)

/* Write the 'main line' of the program here. */
method ReadCSV.constructor ()
    .TimerEvery(.update_secs, `(@self).ReadFile((@self).filename));
    .AddCustomSubMenu("CSV File Reader");
    .AddCustomMenuItem("Reload CSV File", `(@self).Reload((@self).filename));
    .modemenu = .AddCustomMenuItem("Set Append Mode", `(@self).ToggleMode());
    .verbosemenu = .AddCustomMenuItem("Verbose", `(@self).ToggleVerbose());

method ReadCSV.ChangeMenuItemLabel (menuitemid, label)
    local	parent = .CreateSystemMenu();
    local	info = new MENUITEMINFO();

    if (cons_p(menuitemid))
        menuitemid = car(menuitemid);
    info.cbSize = 48;
    info.fMask = MIIM_STRING | MIIM_ID;
    info.fMask |= (WINVER < 0x0500 ? MIIM_TYPE : MIIM_FTYPE);
    info.fType = MFT_STRING;
    info.wID = menuitemid;
    info.dwTypeData = label;
    SetMenuItemInfo (parent, menuitemid, 0, info);

method ReadCSV.destructor ()

ApplicationSingleton (ReadCSV);