
GWindowBase — the base for most of these widgets, based on CWindow.


class GWindowBase

Class Members

These functions correspond to Windows functions, but may not have exactly the same name. The links attempt a search on the name, but you might have to refine the search manually.

ArrangeIconicWindows ()
Attach (hWndNew)
BeginPaint (lpPaint)
BringWindowToTop ()
CenterWindow (args?...)
ChangeClipboardChain (hWndNewNext)
CheckDlgButton (nIDButton, nCheck)
CheckRadioButton (nIDFirstButton, nIDLastButton, nIDCheckButton)
ClientToScreen (args?...)
CommandHandler (wNotifyCode, wID, code)
CreateCaret (hBitmap)
CreateControl (klass, x, y, w, h, label, style_add?=0, exstyle_add=0, style_del=0, exstyle_del=0)
CreateGrayCaret (nWidth, nHeight)
CreateSolidCaret (nWidth, nHeight)
DeferWindowPos (hWinPosInfo, hWndInsertAfter, x, y, cx, cy, uFlags)
DestroyWindow ()
Detach ()
DlgDirList (lpPathSpec, nIDListBox, nIDStaticPath, nFileType)
DlgDirListComboBox (lpPathSpec, nIDComboBox, nIDStaticPath, nFileType)
DlgDirSelect (lpString, nCount, nIDListBox)
DlgDirSelectComboBox (lpString, nCount, nIDComboBox)
DragAcceptFiles (args?...)
DrawMenuBar ()
EnableScrollBar (args?...)
EnableWindow (args?...)
EndPaint (lpPaint)
FlashWindow (bInvert)
GetClientRect (lpRect)
GetDC ()
GetDCEx (hRgnClip, flags)
GetDlgCtrlID ()
GetDlgItemInt (args?...)
GetDlgItemText (args?...)
GetExStyle ()
GetFont ()
GetHotKey ()
GetHwnd ()
GetIcon (args?...)
GetMenu ()
GetNextDlgGroupItem (args?...)
GetNextDlgTabItem (args?...)
GetScrollInfo (nBar, lpScrollInfo)
GetScrollPos (nBar)
GetStyle ()
GetSystemMenu (bRevert)
GetUpdateRect (args?...)
GetUpdateRgn (args?...)
GetWindowContextHelpId ()
GetWindowDC ()
GetWindowLong (nIndex)
GetWindowPlacement (lpwndpl)
GetWindowProcessID ()
GetWindowRect (lpRect)
GetWindowRgn (hRgn)
GetWindowText ()
GetWindowTextLength ()
GetWindowThreadID ()
GetWindowWord (nIndex)
GotoDlgCtrl (hWndCtrl)
HideCaret ()
HiliteMenuItem (hMenu, uItemHilite, uHilite)
ImplementedControl (klass, x, y, w, h, label)
Invalidate (args?...)
InvalidateRect (args?...)
InvalidateRgn (args?...)
IsChild (hWnd)
IsDialogMessage (lpMsg)
IsDlgButtonChecked (nIDButton)
IsIconic ()
IsParentDialog ()
IsWindow ()
IsWindowEnabled ()
IsWindowUnicode ()
IsWindowVisible ()
IsZoomed ()
KillTimer (nIDEvent)
LockWindowUpdate (args?...)
MapWindowPoints (args?...)
MessageBox (args?...)
MessageHandler (uMsg, code)
ModifyStyle (args?...)
ModifyStyleEx (args?...)
MoveWindow (args?...)
NextCtrlID ()
NextDlgCtrl ()
NotifyHandler (idCtrl, iNotifyCode, code)
OpenClipboard ()
PostMessage (args?...)
PrevDlgCtrl ()
Print (hDC, dwFlags)
PrintClient (hDC, dwFlags)
RedrawWindow (args?...)
ReleaseDC (hDC)
ResizeClient (args?...)
ScreenToClient (args?...)
ScrollWindow (args?...)
ScrollWindowEx (args?...)
SendDlgItemMessage (args?...)
SendMessage (args?...)
SendMessageToDescendants (args?...)
SendNotifyMessage (args?...)
SetActiveWindow ()
SetBackground (style, color, hatch)
SetCapture ()
SetChildBackground (style, color, hatch)
SetChildFontEx (nHeight, nWidth, nEscapement, nOrientation, nWeight, bItalic, bUnderline, cStrikeOut, nCharSet, nOutPrecision, nClipPrecision, nQuality, nPitchAndFamily, lpszFacename)
SetChildForeground (penstyles, width, color)
SetClipboardViewer ()
SetDlgCtrlID (nID)
SetDlgItemInt (args?...)
SetDlgItemText (nID, lpszString)
SetFocus ()
SetFont (args?...)
SetFontEx (nHeight, nWidth, nEscapement, nOrientation, nWeight, bItalic, bUnderline, cStrikeOut, nCharSet, nOutPrecision, nClipPrecision, nQuality, nPitchAndFamily, lpszFacename)
SetForeground (penstyles, width, color)
SetHotKey (wVirtualKeyCode, wModifiers)
SetIcon (args?...)
SetMenu (hMenu)
SetRedraw (args?...)
SetScrollInfo (args?...)
SetScrollPos (args?...)
SetScrollRange (args?...)
SetTimer (args?...)
SetWindowContextHelpId (dwContextHelpId)
SetWindowLong (args?...)
SetWindowPlacement (lpwndpl)
SetWindowPos (args?...)
SetWindowRgn (args?...)
SetWindowText (lpszString)
SetWindowWord (nIndex, wNewWord)
ShowCaret ()
ShowOwnedPopups (args?...)
ShowScrollBar (args?...)
ShowWindow (nCmdShow)
ShowWindowAsync (nCmdShow)
UpdateWindow ()
ValidateRect (lpRect)
ValidateRgn (hRgn)
WinHelp (args?...)
constructor (!args?=nil)
destructor ()
onChange (sym, fn)

This class also inherits the functions of