
histdb — starts the Cascade Historian.


histdb [-DhvVX] [-d domain] [-f cfgfile] [-n name] [-q queue]


-d domain

Use this Cascade DataHub domain as the default.


Do not detach. (The Cascade Historian stays in the foreground instead of returning you back to the shell prompt.)

-f cfgfile

Specify the starting configuration file, which may contain any number of Cascade Historian commands.


Print a help message and exit.

-n name

Specify the global name to register to the nserve (the Cascade NameServer).

-q queue

Specify the global name to register to qserve (the Cascade QueueServer).


For the purpose of debugging, print commands sent to the Cascade Historian during run-time to stdout before executing them.


Print the version number.


Exit immediately (usually used with -V).


This command starts the Cascade Historian from the shell, using the options specified.


[sh]$ histdb -d db25 -f hi.cfg -n Hist