
Table of Contents

add - adds a single value at a specified time.
apropos - lists all Cascade Historian commands.
aproposSyntax - gives a command's syntax description.
bufferIdData, bufferIdDataAscii - get data from an interpolate query.
bufferIdDestroy - destroys an interpolation buffer.
bufferIdLength - gives the length of an interpolation buffer.
bufsize - sets the history buffer size.
count - counts the number of histories that match a pattern.
deadband - sets the history value deadband.
delete - removes a history from memory only.
describe - describes a history's current configuration.
disable - stops data recording.
earliest - gives the earliest value in a history.
enable - activates data recording.
exit - terminates the Cascade Historian.
flag - converts between history flag values and names.
filebase - associates the history with a file for data storage.
flush - writes buffered data to disk.
histdb - starts the Cascade Historian.
history - creates a new history.
include - reads and processes commands in a file.
interpolate - initiates queries on history data.
interpolatorDescribe - describes each of the interpolate functions.
interpolatorList - lists all available interpolate functions.
latest - gives the latest value in a history.
length - finds the total number of values in a history.
list - finds the name of available histories.
register - registers histories with the Cascade DataHub.
unregister - unregister histories with the Cascade DataHub.
version - gets the version number of the Cascade Historian.