class PtNumericInteger PtNumeric { numeric_increment; // integer (Pt_ARG_NUMERIC_INCREMENT) numeric_max; // integer (Pt_ARG_NUMERIC_MAX) numeric_min; // integer (Pt_ARG_NUMERIC_MIN) numeric_value; // integer (Pt_ARG_NUMERIC_VALUE) }
This widget is a text-entry box for integers that can be incremented or decremented with small arrow-shaped buttons. You can set a minimum, a maximum, and the size of the increment/decrement for the arrow buttons. Inherited variables let you use comma separators or add a prefix/suffix strings.
![]() | For detailed information, please refer to PtNumericInteger in the Photon documentation. |
A number specifying the amount to increase or decrease the displayed value when the arrow buttons are pressed. Default is 1.
A number specifying the maximum allowable value to be entered. Default is 1,000,000.
A number specifying the minimum allowable value to be entered. Default is -1,000,000.
The currently displayed value. Default is 0.
The following callback is associated with this widget:
Callback | Description |
Pt_CB_NUMERIC_CHANGED | This callback is generated when the entered value changes. |
This example, ex_PtNumeric-RtProgress.g, is included in the product distribution.
#!/usr/cogent/bin/phgamma /* * This example demonstrates PtNumeric and * PtProgress widgets. */ require_lisp("PhotonWidgets.lsp"); PtInit(nil); function display_value(wnum, wprog) { wprog.gauge_value = wnum.numeric_value; } win = new(PtWindow); win.SetDim(160, 190); ilab = new(PtLabel); ilab.text_string = "Integer values"; ilab.SetArea(20, 6, 120, 20); ilab.horizontal_alignment = Pt_CENTER; inum = new(PtNumericInteger); inum.SetArea(20, 30, 120, 20); inum.numeric_increment = 5; inum.numeric_max = 50; inum.numeric_min = -50; inum.numeric_value = 5; inum.numeric_flags = cons(Pt_NUMERIC_WRAP, nil); inum.numeric_flags = cons(Pt_NUMERIC_AUTO_HIGHLIGHT, nil); if (_os_ == "QNX4") iprog = new(RtProgress); else iprog = new(PtProgress); iprog.SetArea(20, 60, 115, 20); iprog.gauge_minimum = -50; iprog.gauge_maximum = 50; PtAttachCallback(inum, Pt_CB_NUMERIC_CHANGED, `display_value(@inum, @iprog)); display_value(inum, iprog); if (_os_ == "QNX4") { flab = new(PtLabel); flab.text_string = "Float values"; flab.SetArea(20, 96, 120, 20); flab.horizontal_alignment = Pt_CENTER; fnum = new(PtNumericFloat); fnum.SetArea(20, 120, 120, 20); fnum.numeric_increment = 4.8941; fnum.numeric_max = 50; fnum.numeric_min = -50; fnum.numeric_value = 5.34153; fnum.numeric_precision = 4; fnum.numeric_flags = cons(Pt_NUMERIC_WRAP, nil); fnum.numeric_flags = cons(Pt_NUMERIC_AUTO_HIGHLIGHT, nil); fprog = new(RtProgress); fprog.SetArea(20, 150, 115, 20); fprog.gauge_minimum = -50; fprog.gauge_maximum = 50; fprog.progress_bar_color = 0x0000ff; PtAttachCallback(fnum, Pt_CB_NUMERIC_CHANGED, `display_value(@fnum, @fprog)); display_value(fnum, fprog); } else { lab = new(PtLabel); lab.SetPos(15, 90); lab.text_font = "helv8"; lab.text_string = string("Note: This example in QNX 4\n", "also contains a PtNumeric Float \n", "widget, which is not currently\n", "available in Gamma/Photon for\n", "QNX 6."); } PtRealizeWidget(win); PtMainLoop();
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