
PtOnOffButton — A button that can be set to ON or OFF.


class PtOnOffButton PtToggleButton
    onoff_state;    // short  (Pt_ARG_ONOFF_STATE)    

Base Classes

PtWidget <-- PtBasic <-- PtLabel <-- PtToggleButton <-- PtOnOffButton


This widget is a button that can be set to ON or OFF. It has an indicator box that turns green to indicate an ON state, and grey to indicate an OFF state. A PtOnOffButton can be used inclusively or exclusively in a group with other PtOnOffButtons.


For detailed information, please refer to PtOnOffButton and PtToggleButton in the Photon documentation.

Instance Variables


An integer indicating the state of the button. 0 (the default) is OFF. 1 or any non-zero value is ON.


The following callback is associated with this widget:

Pt_CB_ONOFF_NEW_VALUEThis callback is generated when the button state (on/off) changes.

Associated Classes

PtOnOffButtonCallback, PtCallbackInfo