Cogent Driver Functions

Table of Contents

DR_ApCloseIPC - closes the IPC link.
DR_ApCommand - sends ASCII commands and returns replies.
DR_ApConnectIPC - connects to Cogent products via IPC.
DR_ApDescribeBuffer - gets segment attribute information.
DR_ApDescribePnt - gives a description of a point.
DR_ApInitIPC - opens the connection to the driver.
DR_ApListBuffers - lists blocks defined to the driver.
DR_ApListPoints - lists points defined to the driver.
DR_ApPointBufAddress - deletes a point's image buffer address.
DR_ApReadBlock - reads a block.
DR_ApReadControl - gets card control parameters.
DR_ApReadPoint - reads the value of a point.
DR_ApReadStatus - gets card status information.
DR_ApUpdateBuffers - forces an I/O cycle of the image buffers.
DR_ApWriteBlock - writes data to a block.
DR_ApWriteControl - sends card control information to the driver.
DR_ApWritePoint - writes a new value to a point.