Table of Contents
I. Utilities- lsend,
gsend - send commands to Cogent and Gamma programs.
- nsnames - queries the Cascade NameServer.
- nserve - starts the Cascade NameServer.
- qserve - starts the Cascade QueueServer.
II. Data Types- HI_stVALUE - contains an (x,y) data tuple used by the Cascade Historian.
- PT_stCPOINT - holds information about a Cascade DataHub point.
- PT_TYPE, PT_uVALUE - holds the type and value a Cascade DataHub point.
- ST_STATUS - contains return values for some Cogent C API functions.
III. Cascade DataHub Functions- DH_AppendString - appends a string to a point.
- DH_CreatePoint - constructs a point.
- DH_FindPointAddress - is for internal use only.
- DH_FormatPoint - puts point data in ASCII format.
- DH_ParsePointMsg - parses a point message from the Cascade DataHub.
- DH_ParsePointString - parses the return of DH_ReadPoint and DH_RegisterPoint.
- DH_PointAdd,
DH_PointMultiply - modify a point in place, with one message.
- DH_ReadPoint, DH_ReadExistingPoint - read a point from the Cascade DataHub.
- DH_RegisterAllPoints - registers with the Cascade DataHub for all points.
- DH_RegisterPoint,
DH_RegisterExistingPoint - register with the Cascade DataHub
for a point.
- DH_SendPointMessage - is for internal use only.
- DH_SetLock,
DH_SetSecurity - set the
lock or security according to point status.
- DH_SetReceiveFormat - sets DataHub-to-client transmissions to binary or ASCII.
- DH_SetTransmitFormat - sets client-to-DataHub transmissions to binary or ASCII.
- DH_UnregisterPoint - unregisters a point from the Cascade DataHub.
- DH_WritePoint, DH_WriteExistingPoint, DH_WriteExistingPoints - write points to the Cascade DataHub.
IV. Cogent Driver Functions- DR_ApCloseIPC
- closes the IPC link.
- DR_ApCommand
- sends ASCII commands and returns replies.
- DR_ApConnectIPC
- connects to Cogent products via IPC.
- DR_ApDescribeBuffer
- gets segment attribute information.
- DR_ApDescribePnt
- gives a description of a point.
- DR_ApInitIPC
- opens the connection to the driver.
- DR_ApListBuffers
- lists blocks defined to the driver.
- DR_ApListPoints
- lists points defined to the driver.
- DR_ApPointBufAddress
- deletes a point's image buffer address.
- DR_ApReadBlock
- reads a block.
- DR_ApReadControl
- gets card control parameters.
- DR_ApReadPoint
- reads the value of a point.
- DR_ApReadStatus
- gets card status information.
- DR_ApUpdateBuffers
- forces an I/O cycle of the image buffers.
- DR_ApWriteBlock
- writes data to a block.
- DR_ApWriteControl
- sends card control information to the driver.
- DR_ApWritePoint
- writes a new value to a point.
V. Cascade Historian Functions- HI_Add - adds a single value at a specified time.
- HI_BufferIDDestroy - destroys an interpolation buffer.
- HI_BufferIDLength - gives the length of an interpolation buffer.
- HI_BufferIDRead - reads an interpolation buffer.
- HI_Bufsize - sets the history buffer size.
- HI_ClipBuffer - clips Y values to fit within a
- HI_Count - counts the number of histories that match a pattern.
- HI_Deadband - sets the history value deadband.
- HI_Delete - removes a history from memory only.
- HI_Describe - describes a history's current configuration.
- HI_Disable - stops data recording.
- HI_Earliest - gives the earliest value in a history.
- HI_Enable - activates data recording.
- HI_ExchangeBuffer - swaps X and
Y values.
- HI_FileBase - associates the history with a file for data storage.
- HI_Flush - writes buffered data to disk.
- HI_GapCountBuffer - identifies and counts large gaps in data.
- HI_GapFillBuffer - fills in data gaps found by
- HI_History - creates a new history.
- HI_Interpolate - queries history data for interpolation.
- HI_InterpolateData - interpolates a history and returns data.
- HI_Latest - gives the latest value in a history.
- HI_Length - finds the total number of values in a history.
- HI_List - finds the name of available histories.
- HI_ScaleBuffer - performs offset and scaling
- HI_StatBuffer - generates summary statistics on
- HI_Register - registers histories with the Cascade DataHub.
- HI_Unregister - unregisters histories with the Cascade DataHub.
- HI_Version - gets the version number of the Cascade Historian.
VI. Inter-Process Communication Functions- IP_AddFDHandler - tells IP_Receive to accept
file input.
- IP_AttachPhoton - not fully documented.
- IP_AttachPhotonMainloop - not fully documented.
- IP_ConnectToPort - resolves a host name and connects to a port.
- IP_ConnectToService - like IP_ConnectToPort, but uses the service name.
- IP_DetachPhotonMainloop - not fully documented.
- IP_GetChannelID - returns the channel ID for IP library use.
- IP_GetConnectionID - returns the connection ID for IP library
- IP_IsPulse - validates a received message against a pulse
- IP_ListenToPort - is a wrapper for listen.
- IP_ListenToService - like IP_ListenToPort, but uses the service name.
- IP_MsgCascade - writes message data to an IP_MsgBuffer.
- IP_MsgCreate - creates an IP_Msg structure.
- IP_MsgData - returns a pointer to the data payload of an
IP_Msg structure.
- IP_MsgDefaultSize - gets the default size of interprocess
- IP_MsgDestroy - frees memory associated with a message.
- IP_MsgInfoReply - replies to an IP_SYNC message
using IP_MsgInfo.
- IP_MsgInfoReplyRaw - replies to an IP_RAW message
using IP_MsgInfo.
- IP_MsgLisp - constructs a formatted text message.
- IP_MsgRaw - like IP_MsgCascade, with
IP_SUB_RAW for its
- IP_MsgRawData - gives a pointer to IP_RAW
message data.
- IP_MsgResize - resizes the IP_MsgBuffer,
if possible.
- IP_NserveAdd - adds an entry to nserve.
- IP_NserveClose - closes the channel to
- IP_NserveInit - creates a task structure and informs nserve.
- IP_NserveInitMyself - declares current task structure information to
- IP_NserveLookup - fills in a known task structure.
- IP_NserveLookupId - finds a task by node, process and channel ID.
- IP_NserveLookupName - allocates and fills in a new task
- IP_NservePackTaskInfo - makes a Lisp-parseable version of task
- IP_NserveQueryNameCount - gives the number of registered names.
- IP_NserveQueryNames - fills an array with nserve's
- IP_NserveReattach - closes and renews all task connections and
- IP_NserveRemove - removes an entry from
- IP_NserveSetDomain - changes a task's domain name.
- IP_pfTaskComp - compares two tasks for equality.
- IP_PhotonGUIFilter - not fully documented.
- IP_PhotonGUIHandler - not fully documented.
- IP_ProcessMessage - classifies messages for
- IP_PulseDestroy - destroys a pulse.
- IP_PulseNew - creates a new pulse.
- IP_PulseTimed - sets up timers to trigger pulses.
- IP_PulseTrigger - immediately sends a pulse.
- IP_QueueClose - closes a queue.
- IP_QueueOpen - opens a queue for reading or writing.
- IP_QueueRead - reads a message from the queue.
- IP_QueueStrerror - gives access to error strings.
- IP_QueueWait - requests notification of an event.
- IP_QueueWrite - writes a message to a queue.
- IP_Receive - receives any message.
- IP_ReceiveNonblock - receives any message, without blocking.
- IP_RemoveFDHandler - prevents IP_Receive from
accepting file input.
- IP_Reply - replies to an IP_SYNC message
using rcvid.
- IP_ReplyRaw - replies to an IP_RAW message
using rcvid.
- IP_SelectFD - is used internally only.
- IP_SetChannelID - sets the channel ID for IP library
- IP_SetConnectionID - sets the connection ID for IP library
- IP_SetGUIHandler - sets callback functions for GUI events.
- IP_TaskCloseAsync - closes queues and cleans up
- IP_TaskCloseSync - closes synchronous connections and cleans up
- IP_TaskConnect - opens a connection to a receiver.
- IP_TaskCopy - copies a task structure.
- IP_TaskCreate - creates a new task structure.
- IP_TaskCreateMe - creates a task structure for the current
- IP_TaskDefaultDomain - returns the Cascade DataHub default domain.
- IP_TaskDestroy - closes connections and queues, removes the task
and frees memory.
- IP_TaskFindID - finds a task by its node, process, and channel IDs.
- IP_TaskFindName - finds a task by its name.
- IP_TaskInitAsync - creates a read-only queue.
- IP_TaskInitAsyncWrites - opens a task's queue as write-only.
- IP_TaskIntern - adds a task to a process's task cache.
- IP_TaskNew - creates a new task structure.
- IP_TaskSendAsync - transmits a message via qserve
and returns immediately.
- IP_TaskSendRaw - sends data in bytes, synchronously.
- IP_TaskSendSync - transmits a message, and waits for a reply.
- IP_TaskSetDomain - sets or changes a task's domain name.
- IP_TaskSetInfo - sets the fields in a task structure.
- IP_TaskSetQname - sets a task's queue name.
- IP_TaskUnintern - removes a task from a process's task
- IP_TaskWaitAsync - registers the task for events in
- IP_TaskZero - sets all task structure fields to defaults.
- IP_TimerTime - adjusts timer parameters.
- IP_UnselectFD - is used internally only.
VII. Cascade TextLogger Functions- LG_Cache - controls how frequently data is written.
- LG_Collect - specifies when a line of data is considered complete.
- LG_Disable - renders a log or group inactive.
- LG_Empty - specifies a place-holder string for empty data
- LG_Enable - activates a log or group.
- LG_Exit - exits the Cascade TextLogger.
- LG_Fall - associates values logged within a tolerance.
- LG_File - specifies the file to receive a log.
- LG_Flush - flushes all buffered output.
- LG_Group - groups a number of logs or groups
- LG_Log - writes point data in formatted lines.
- LG_Output - writes an output string to a log or group,
stdout, or stderr.
- LG_Time - specifies the time format for a log or group.
- LG_Timestamp - sets the time resolution for each line.
- LG_Tolerance - sets the maximum gap between timestamps of any two
- LG_UseGMT - sets time/date strings to GMT or local time.
VIII. Point Manipulation Functions- PT_FindCPoint - looks up a point by name in the internal point hash table.
- PT_InitClient - initializes the static hash table of referenced points.
- PT_NewCPoint - allocates and initializes a new point structure.
- PT_PointCopyValue - copies one point structure into another.
- PT_PointFormat - formats a point according to a printf-like directive.
- PT_PointInt - converts a point to an integer.
- PT_PointReal - converts a point to a real.
- PT_PointString - converts a point to a string.
Copyright © 1995-2010 by Cogent Real-Time Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.