Cascade TextLogger Functions

Table of Contents

LG_Cache - controls how frequently data is written.
LG_Collect - specifies when a line of data is considered complete.
LG_Disable - renders a log or group inactive.
LG_Empty - specifies a place-holder string for empty data readings.
LG_Enable - activates a log or group.
LG_Exit - exits the Cascade TextLogger.
LG_Fall - associates values logged within a tolerance.
LG_File - specifies the file to receive a log.
LG_Flush - flushes all buffered output.
LG_Group - groups a number of logs or groups together.
LG_Log - writes point data in formatted lines.
LG_Output - writes an output string to a log or group, stdout, or stderr.
LG_Time - specifies the time format for a log or group.
LG_Timestamp - sets the time resolution for each line.
LG_Tolerance - sets the maximum gap between timestamps of any two points.
LG_UseGMT - sets time/date strings to GMT or local time.