Strings and Buffers

Table of Contents

bdelete - deletes a number of bytes from a buffer.
binsert - inserts a value into a buffer.
buffer - constructs a buffer.
buffer_to_string - converts a buffer to a string.
format - generates a formatted string.
make_buffer - creates a new, empty buffer.
open_string - allows a string to be used as a file.
parse_string - parses an input string.
raw_memory - tells the amount of memory in use.
shell_match - compares string text to a pattern.
shorten_buffer - reduces the size of a buffer.
strchr, strrchr - search a string for an individual character.
strcmp, stricmp - compare strings.
string - constructs a string.
stringc - constructs a string in Lisp-readable form,
string_file_buffer - queries a string file for its internal buffer.
string_split - breaks a string into individual words.
string_to_buffer - creates a buffer object from a string.
strcvt - converts the Windows character set of a string.
strlen - counts the number of characters in a string.
strncmp, strnicmp - compare two strings and return a numeric result.
strrev - reverses the order of characters in a string.
strstr - finds the location of a given substring.
substr - returns a substring for a given location.
tolower - converts upper case letters to lower case.
toupper - converts lower case letters to upper case.