2.3. Installing the SRR Module

  1. Return to the srr-x.x.x/ directory:
    # cd ../
  2. Issue the make command:
    # make install
    The install path defaults to /usr/local/. The installation adds both libraries and include files to the lib/ and include/ sub-directories. You can specify a different install path by issuing the make command like this:
    # make install prefix=/my/favourite/path
  3. The kernel module itself is placed in: /lib/modules/kernel_version/misc/srripc.o. This is non-negotiable, though you can move it from there yourself if you want to set your own MODPATH for modprobe.
  4. The make install command should have put the following line into either /etc/conf.modules or /etc/modules.conf:
    alias char-major-10-171 srripc
    This line is necessary for auto-loading. If it isn't present, you should hand-edit the file to include it.

If the installation was successful, attempting to open /dev/srripc should now cause the SRR Module to load automatically. If your system is not set up for auto-loading, please refer to the next section.


If the permissions on the /dev/srripc module are not correct, you will encounter error messages when starting programs that use the SRR module such as:

Cannot count names: Bad file descriptor
Queue manager could not attach name 'qserve': Device or resource busy
Could not initialize IPC

In some Linux distributions, it may be necessary to manually change the permissions on the SRR module's mount point. To change the permissions, you can issue this command, as root:

chmod a+rw /dev/srripc

If your kernel uses the udev file system, usually meaning that /dev is a temporary file system, the above command should be executed at every system reboot through a system initialization script.