1.4. Demo Files and their Locations
To run the
Cogent Tools Demo, you will need the necessary Cogent software
that is being demonstrated: Gamma, Cascade DataHub, Cascade TextLogger, and
Cascade Historian. These can be downloaded separately, or as part
of the Cogent Tool Suite from the Cogent web site Downloads page (www.cogent.ca/Download.html).
The executables for these packages can be found in the
/usr/cogent/bin/ directory.
In addition to these, you will need the demo programs
themselves and a few related files. All of these programs and
files come with the most recent Gamma or Cogent Tool Suite
distribution, and should be installed on your system in the
/usr/cogent/src/tutorial/ directory. If
not, you will need to update your Gamma archive from the
Cogent web site Gamma page (www.cogent.ca/Software/Gamma.html).
Gamma Files
demo.g | lib/photon.g |
emul.g | lib/qnx4.g |
gtkcontrol.g | lib/qnx6.g |
gtkhistory.g | lib/qnx.g |
gtklog.g | phcontrol.g |
gtkmonitor.g | phhistory.g |
gtksimple.g | phlog.g |
lib/common.g | phmonitor.g |
lib/gtk.g | phsimple.g |
lib/linux.g | |
Photon Widget Files
ph2controlwin/* | phcontrolwindow/* |
ph2historywin/* | phhistorywin/* |
ph2logwin/* | phlogwin/* |
ph2monitorwin/* | phmonitorwin/* |
Configuration Files
hist.cfg | plmain.cfg |
plall.cfg | plrecent.cfg |
plhist.cfg | tl.cfg |
Data Files
![[Note]](images/note.gif) | These files are all temporary. They are located in the
/tmp/cogentdemo/ directory, which is
created by the demo when it starts, and destroyed when it
exits. |
histories/* | pllogtimes.dat |
hsoutput.dat | tlold.dat |
hsoutputpl.dat | tloutput.dat |
plhistsetup.dat | tlrecent.dat |
Text Files