14.8. GTK: Configuring gnuplot

You can comprehend the data from a query more easily by plotting it with gnuplot, the Linux plotting program. We configure gnuplot for History using the plhist.cfg configuration file, which loads the plmain.cfg and plhistsetup.dat files.

The plmain.cfg file is a configuration file that holds commands that are common to plots for Log and History, like labels, borders, and data styles. It is shown and explained in the Configuring and Using gnuplot section of the Log chapter of this manual.


#DOCUMENT:      plhist.cfg
#DEPENDENCIES:  plmain.cfg plhistsetup.dat

set title "Cascade Historian Output"

load "plmain.cfg"
load "/tmp/cogentdemo/plhistsetup.dat"

# The xlab and histtime values come from plhistsetup.dat.
# The xlab == 1 for "NoInterpolator" and "Periodic" interpolators.
# The xlab == 2 for "Relative" and "FixedRelative" interpolators.
# The histtime is the number of seconds after midnight.

set ylabel "Y history" 1,0
if (xlab == 1) set xlabel "Time (in seconds after midnight)" 0,0
if (xlab == 2) set xlabel "X history" 0,0

set xrange [x_min:x_max]
set yrange [y_min:y_max]

set data style linespoints
set pointsize 1.5

set multiplot

# "NoInterpolator" and "Periodic" interpolator options
# Full data set (no deadband)
if ((xlab == 1) && (db1 == 1)) plot '/tmp/cogentdemo/hsoutputpl.dat' \
index 0 using (column(1) - histtime):2 ls 12

# Deadband on, prior value off
if ((xlab == 1) && (db2 == 1)) plot '/tmp/cogentdemo/hsoutputpl.dat' \
index 1 using (column(1) - histtime):2 ls 19

# Deadband on, prior value on
if ((xlab == 1) && (db3 == 1)) plot '/tmp/cogentdemo/hsoutputpl.dat' \
index 2 using (column(1) - histtime):2 ls 18

# "Relative" and "FixedRelative" interpolator options
# Full data set (no deadband)
if ((xlab == 2) && (db1 == 1))  plot '/tmp/cogentdemo/hsoutputpl.dat' \
index 0 using 1:2 ls 12

# Deadband on, prior value off
if ((xlab == 2) && (db2 == 1))  plot '/tmp/cogentdemo/hsoutputpl.dat' \
index 1 using 1:2 ls 19

# Deadband on, prior value on
if ((xlab == 2) && (db3 == 1))  plot '/tmp/cogentdemo/hsoutputpl.dat' \
index 2 using 1:2 ls 18

set nomultiplot

# Pause for 1 second, then replot.  Continue until gnuplot is terminated.

pause 1


The plhistsetup.dat file is a data file that is written at run-time by the show_data and plot_prep functions. This file contains strings that declare the values of the variables used in plhist.cfg. This file changes each time new data is plotted, but a typical example is shown here.

histtime = 1036990800
xlab = 1
db1 = 1
db2 = 0
db3 = 1
x_min = 51365.253553032875061
x_max = 51369.963547945022583
y_min = 102
y_max = 195

This file would configure the plot to have an X-axis label (xlab) of: Time (in seconds after midnight), with two plots showing the data selected with the Full data set (no deadband) button (db1) and the Deadband on, prior value on button (db3). The X-axis values would range from 51365.2 to 51369.9, and the Y-axis values from 102 to 195.