Chapter 7. GTK Functions (in gtksimple.g)

Table of Contents

7.1. Global Variables
7.2. The Monitor Window - create_monitor
7.3. Making Scales and Spin Buttons - make_scale, make_prog_bar, make_spinner
7.4. Update Functions - reset_value, write_data
7.5. Button Functions - toggle_sym, change_settings
7.6. Label Functions - set_label, table_labeler
7.7. Complete program - gtksimple.g

This chapter presents the code for gtksimple.g in several annotated sections. The program functions are arranged in this chapter more or less in the order they were written, not as they appear in the actual program. The complete program in proper sequence is shown in the final section of this chapter.

7.1. Global Variables

In order to emulate the appearance of GTK function calls in C, we assign the global variables TRUE and FALSE to the values 1 and 0, which are the values recognized by Gamma.

    *                     THE MONITOR                      *
   TRUE = 1;
   FALSE = 0;