Chapter 4. Introduction: A Simplified Demo

Table of Contents

4.1. Running the Simple Demo
4.1.1. In Linux
4.1.2. In QNX 4
4.1.3. In QNX 6
4.2. Data and Control Flow

The Simplified Demo introduces the code for the PID Emulator and the Monitor. The PID Emulator is the exact same one as is used in the regular demo (emul.g). The Monitor code in the simplified demo comes in two versions for the two GUIs supported by the demo: GTK and Photon. The gtksimple.g and phsimple.g files contain the code for creating the Monitor, as well as for starting the necessary Cogent Tools (Cascade DataHub and DataHub Viewer).

4.1. Running the Simple Demo

You start the simple demo by going to a shell, changing to the directory where the demo is installed (/usr/cogent/src/tutorial/), and typing the OS-specific command (given below). The program automatically starts the PID Emulator and the Cascade DataHub, as well as the Monitor and the DataHub Viewer, which should appear on your screen. If the slider and progress bars are moving in the Monitor, that means the PID Emulator and the Cascade DataHub are both working. The numbers should be changing in the DataHub Viewer as well.

4.1.1. In Linux

[sh]$ cd /usr/cogent/src/tutorial/
[sh]$ gamma gtksimple


In Linux the DataHub Viewer for the simple demo is set up to run in console mode, in the terminal where you type the start-up command.

4.1.2. In QNX 4

[sh]> cd /usr/cogent/src/tutorial/
[sh]> phgamma phsimple

4.1.3. In QNX 6

[sh]> cd /usr/cogent/src/tutorial/
[sh]> gamma phsimple


You can run the GTK version of the simple demo in QNX 6 using the command:

[sh]> gamma gtksimple