Table of Contents
This chapter presents the code for the Log program in several annotated sections, followed by the complete program in the last section. By now, if you have been working through the tutorial step by step, you should be pretty familiar with Gamma as it is used in this demo. Since this is a tutorial and not an exhaustive reference, we will avoid repeating concepts, features, and Gamma functions that have been touched upon in earlier chapters.
All of the GTK widgets and Gamma functions used here have been discussed in previous chapters.
/*-------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: create_log * Returns: A GtkWindow * Description: Creates the Log window. *------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function create_log () { local log_win, title, frame, box1, box2, box3, rbut1, rbut2, rbut3; local cbut1, cbut2, label, entry, table, tlbut, ibut, sbut, text; local pbut1, pbut2, swin; log_win = new (GtkWindow); log_win.signal ("destroy", #log_win = nil); log_win.title = "Cogent Tools Demo: Log"; log_win.set_color(1, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, 0xdddddd); log_win.border_width = 10; log_win.width = 420; /* Title frame. */ box1 = new(GtkVBox); title = new (GtkLabel); title.set_text("Cogent Tools Demo - Log"); title.set_color(1, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, 0xff0000); title.height = 25; frame = new(GtkFrame); frame.set_color(1, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, 0xff0000); frame.add(title); frame.border_width = 5; box1.pack_start(frame, TRUE, TRUE, 5); log_win.add (box1); /* "Cascade TextLogger" frame and widgets. */ box2 = new (GtkHBox); box1.pack_start(box2, TRUE, TRUE, 0); box2.border_width = 0; frame = new(GtkFrame); frame.border_width = 5; frame.set_color(1, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, 0xaaccee); frame.set_label("Cascade TextLogger"); frame.set_label_align(.5, 1); frame.set_shadow_type(GTK_SHADOW_IN); box2.pack_start(frame, TRUE, TRUE, 0); table = gtk_table_new(3, 2, FALSE); table.border_width = 5; table.set_col_spacings(25); table.set_row_spacings(3); /* Collect: Any, All, and Fill buttons. */ box3 = new (GtkHBox); box3.spacing = 0; label = new(GtkLabel); label.set_text("Collect: "); box3.pack_start (label, TRUE, TRUE, 0); rbut1 = gtk_radio_button_new_with_label(nil, "Any"); rbut1.set_active(TRUE); box3.pack_start (rbut1, TRUE, TRUE, 0); rbut1.signal("clicked", `send_command(@rbut1, "collect", #any)); button_messages (rbut1, "5.1", "5"); rbut2 = gtk_radio_button_new_with_label(list(rbut1), "Fill"); box3.pack_start (rbut2, TRUE, TRUE, 0); rbut2.signal("clicked", `send_command(@rbut2, "collect", #fill)); button_messages (rbut2, "5.2", "5"); rbut3 = gtk_radio_button_new_with_label(list(rbut1, rbut2), "All"); box3.pack_start (rbut3, TRUE, TRUE, 0); rbut3.signal("clicked", `send_command(@rbut3, "collect", #all)); button_messages (rbut3, "5.3", "5"); table.attach_defaults(box3, 1, 2, 0, 1); /* Insert Text button and text entry. */ box3 = new (GtkHBox); entry = new(GtkEntry); entry.set_text("# A line of text."); entry.width = 110; ibut = new(GtkButton); ibut.label = "Insert Text"; ibut.set_color(1, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, 0xaaccee); ibut.set_color(1, GTK_STATE_PRELIGHT, 0xbbddff); ibut.width = 70; ibut.signal("clicked", `send_command(@entry, "send-text", nil)); button_messages (ibut, "5.4", "5"); box3.pack_start (ibut, FALSE, TRUE, 0); box3.pack_start(entry, TRUE, TRUE, 5); table.attach_defaults(box3, 1, 2, 1, 2); /* Send Cmd button and text entry. */ box3 = new (GtkHBox); entry = new(GtkEntry); entry.set_text("(exit)"); entry.width = 110; sbut = new(GtkButton); sbut.label = "Send Cmd"; sbut.set_color(1, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, 0xaaccee); sbut.set_color(1, GTK_STATE_PRELIGHT, 0xbbddff); sbut.width = 70; sbut.signal("clicked", `send_command(@entry, "send-cmd", nil)); button_messages (sbut, "5.5", "5"); box3.pack_start (sbut, FALSE, TRUE, 0); box3.pack_start(entry, TRUE, TRUE, 5); table.attach_defaults(box3, 1, 2, 2, 3); /* Log to, file, and stdout buttons. */ text = new(GtkText); text.set_editable(FALSE); anygui_show_text(text, string("To start the demo, ensure the PID Emulator\n", "is running, then press the Log to: button\n\n", read_msg("5.11")), 1); tlbut = control_button("Log to:", 0xaaccee, "textlog", "tlog", "-n", "tlog", "-d", "toolsdemo", "-f", "tl.cfg", "-D", "5.6", nil); cbut1 = gtk_check_button_new_with_label("file"); cbut1.signal("clicked", `send_command(@cbut1, "file-stdout", "tldemoboth")); button_messages (cbut1, "5.7", "5"); cbut1.set_active(TRUE); cbut2 = gtk_check_button_new_with_label("stdout"); cbut2.signal("clicked", `send_command(@cbut2, "file-stdout", "tldemostdout")); button_messages (cbut2, "5.8", "5"); cbut2.set_active(FALSE); tlbut.signal("toggled", `log_toggle(@tlbut, @text, @cbut1, @cbut2, @rbut1, @rbut2, @rbut3)); table.attach_defaults(tlbut, 0, 1, 0, 1); table.attach_defaults(cbut1, 0, 1, 1, 2); table.attach_defaults(cbut2, 0, 1, 2, 3); frame.add(table); /* "Plot" frame, Recent and All buttons. */ box3 = new(GtkVBox); box3.border_width = 5; box2.pack_start(box3, TRUE, TRUE, 0); frame = new(GtkFrame); frame.border_width = 0; frame.set_color(1, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, 0xccccaa); frame.set_label("Make plots"); frame.set_label_align(.5, 1); frame.set_shadow_type(GTK_SHADOW_IN); box3.pack_start(frame, TRUE, TRUE, 0); table = gtk_table_new(2, 1, FALSE); table.border_width = 5; table.set_row_spacings(3); pbut1 = control_button("Recent", 0xccccaa, "gnuplot", "plotlog1", "-background", "gray", "-geometry", "600x345-10-30", "plrecent.cfg", nil, nil, "5.9", nil); pbut2 = control_button("All", 0xccccaa, "gnuplot", "plotlog2", "-background", "gray", "-geometry", "600x345-10+10", "plall.cfg", nil, nil, "5.10", nil); pbut2.signal("toggled", `anygui_move_window(@pbut2, @log_win, 380, 25, 0, 25)); table.attach_defaults(pbut1, 0, 1, 0, 1); table.attach_defaults(pbut2, 0, 1, 1, 2); frame.add(table); /* Exit button and text window. */ xbut = new(GtkButton); xbut.label = "Exit"; xbut.signal("clicked", `(@log_win).destroy()); box3.pack_start (xbut, TRUE, TRUE, 5); swin = new(GtkScrolledWindow); swin.set_policy(GTK_POLICY_NEVER, GTK_POLICY_ALWAYS); swin.border_width = 5; swin.height = 200; swin.width = 400; swin.add(text); box1.pack_start(swin, TRUE, TRUE, 0); /* Create an empty data file needed by gnuplot.*/ if(!is_file("/tmp/cogentdemo/tlold.dat")) system("touch /tmp/cogentdemo/tlold.dat"); log_win.show_all(); log_win.reposition(380, 25); log_win; }
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