Widget Functions

Table of Contents

PtAddResource - adds a resource.
PtAttachCallback - associates an action with a Photon event.
PtCollideWidget - checks for collisions between widgets.
PtContainerGiveFocus - gives focus to a widget.
PtContainerHold, PtContainerRelease - prevent/allow updating of container-widget contents.
PtDestroyWidget - deletes a widget.
PtEventHandler - is not yet implemented.
PtExtentWidget - forces a widget to calculate its extent.
PtFindDisjoint - finds the nearest disjoint parent widget.
PtFlush - immediately updates widgets.
PtFrameSize - sets the size of the window frame.
PtForwardWindowEvent - forwards a window event to the window manager.
PtGetAbsPosition - gives the absolute position of a widget.
PtGetParent - gives the class definition for a parent of a widget.
PtGetParentMember - not yet documented.
PtHit - searches a container for a widget.
PtHold, PtRelease - hold/release the issue of all Photon events to the Photon server.
PtInit - initializes the widget library.
PtInitDrag - starts a drag operation.
PtMainLoop - starts an infinite event loop.
PtModalStart, PtModalEnd - start and end modal processing.
PtProcessEvent - handles Photon events.
PtProtectCallbacks - protects code from callback errors.
PtQueryCallbacks - finds widget callback functions.
PtRawSetPos - is obsolete.
PtReParentWidget - changes parents of widgets.
PtRealizeWidget - initializes widgets.
PtRemoveCallback - removes a callback.
PtResourceName - finds a resource name from a resource number.
PtSetParentWidget - turns a widget into a parent widget.
PtSyncPhoton - flushes the current draw buffer.
PtTranslateRect - changes the position of PhRect class instances.
PtUnrealizeWidget - hides a widget.
PtUpdate - decrements the global hold count for widget repair.
PtWidgetChildren - finds the children of a widget.
PtWidgetParent - finds the parent of a widget.
PtWidgetToBack, PtWidgetToFront - moves a widget behind or in front of others.
TranslateRect - is obsolete. See PtTranslateRect.