Table of Contents
I. PhAB Functions- PhabAttachWidgets
- assigns widgets to a class as instance variables.
- PhabChildren
- a
wrapper for the cdr
- PhabCreateWidgets
- creates widgets from existing
- PhabLoad
- reads, creates, names and realizes a widget hierarchy.
- PhabLookupWidget
- searches a widget hierarchy for a named widget.
- PhabNameWidgets
- assigns global variables to widget names.
- PhabReadWidget
- reads widgets (for internal use).
- PhabReadWidgetFile
- loads and accesses widget definitions.
- PhabReadWidgets
- reads widget files (for internal use).
- PhabRoot
- a
wrapper for the car
II. Graphics Functions- ImageSubDivide
- divides an image into columns and rows.
- ImageThumbNail
- resizes images by pixels.
- ImageToLabel
- makes a label from an image.
- represents colors as combinations of cyan, magenta, and yellow.
- PgGray
- converts a gray level index from 8-bit to 24-bit color.
- PgGrayValue
- converts a color to a gray-scale equivalent.
- represents color by hue, saturation, and brightness.
- PgRedValue, PgGreenValue, PgBlueValue
- indicate color strength.
- represents colors as combinations of red, green, and blue.
- PxConvolveImage
- performs matrix-based convolutions on images.
- PxCopyImage
- copies an image.
- PxGreyImage
- converts colored images to grey.
- PxLoadImage
- loads image files.
- PxReduceImage
- resizes images by percentage.
- PxSubImage
- returns a sub-image of a passed image.
- PxThresholdImage
- converts grey-scale images to black and white.
III. Photon Functions- PhGetRects
- gets rectangle sets.
- PhEmitEvent
- emits an event.
- PhInitDrag
- starts a drag.
- PhMoveCursor
- move the cursor to an absolute or relative position.
- PhQueryRids
- finds selected regions.
- PhRegionChange
- changes the definition of a region.
- PhRegionQuery
- gets information about a region.
- PhWindowQueryVisible
- finds the visible extent of a window.
IV. Widget Functions- PtAddResource
- adds a resource.
- PtAttachCallback
- associates an action with a Photon event.
- PtCollideWidget
- checks for collisions between widgets.
- PtContainerGiveFocus
- gives focus to a widget.
- PtContainerHold,
- prevent/allow updating of container-widget
- PtDestroyWidget
- deletes a widget.
- PtEventHandler
- is not yet implemented.
- PtExtentWidget
- forces a widget to calculate its extent.
- PtFindDisjoint
- finds the nearest disjoint parent widget.
- PtFlush
- immediately updates widgets.
- PtFrameSize
- sets the size of the window frame.
- PtForwardWindowEvent
- forwards a window event to the window manager.
- PtGetAbsPosition
- gives the absolute position of a widget.
- PtGetParent
- gives the class definition for a parent of a widget.
- PtGetParentMember
- not yet documented.
- PtHit
- searches a container for a widget.
- PtHold,
- hold/release
the issue of all Photon events to the Photon server.
- PtInit
- initializes the widget library.
- PtInitDrag
- starts a drag operation.
- PtMainLoop
- starts an infinite event loop.
- PtModalStart,
- start and end modal processing.
- PtProcessEvent
- handles Photon events.
- PtProtectCallbacks
- protects code from callback errors.
- PtQueryCallbacks
- finds widget callback functions.
- PtRawSetPos
- is obsolete.
- PtReParentWidget
- changes parents of widgets.
- PtRealizeWidget
- initializes widgets.
- PtRemoveCallback
- removes a callback.
- PtResourceName
- finds a resource name from a resource number.
- PtSetParentWidget
- turns a widget into a parent widget.
- PtSyncPhoton
- flushes the current draw buffer.
- PtTranslateRect
- changes the position of PhRect class instances.
- PtUnrealizeWidget
- hides a widget.
- PtUpdate
- decrements the global hold count for widget repair.
- PtWidgetChildren
- finds the children of a widget.
- PtWidgetParent
- finds the parent of a widget.
- PtWidgetToBack,
- moves a widget behind or in front of others.
- TranslateRect
- is obsolete. See PtTranslateRect.
V. Extended Functions- PxConfigClose
- closes an open configuration file.
- PxConfigDelete
- delete entries and sections.
- PxConfigForceEmptySection
- creates an empty section in a configuration file.
- PxConfigNextSection
- moves to the next configuration file section.
- PxConfigNextString
- gets the next entry in the current section.
- PxConfigOpen
- Opens a configuration file.
- PxConfigRead
- read values from configuration files.
- PxConfigSection
- locates the start of a section.
- PxConfigWrite
- write values to configuration files.
- PxHelpQuit
- closes the helpviewer.
- PxHelpTopic
- opens the helpviewer to a topic page.
- PxHelpTopicRoot
- sets the helpviewer topic root.
- PxHelpTopicTree
- loads a topic tree into a helpviewer.
- PxHelpUrl
- displays helpviewer pages by URL address.
- PxHelpUrlRoot
- sets the default root for PxHelpUrl.
- Usage
- gives a QNX 4-style usage message during run-time.
VI. Widget Classes- CwGraph
- A Cogent graph widget.
- CwMatrix
- A Cogent matrix widget.
- PtArc
- An elliptical arc.
- PtBarGraph
- A bar graph.
- PtBasic
- A parent class for basic widget resources.
- PtBezier
- A bezier curve.
- PtBitmap
- A bitmapped image.
- PtBkgd
- A background image, bitmap, or color-gradient.
- PtButton
- A push-button used to initiate a callback.
- PtCalendar
- A month-based calendar.
- PtClock
- A clock with analog, digital or LED-style format.
- PtComboBox
- A text field and a list of choices.
- PtContainer
- A parent class for container widget resources.
- PtDBContainer
- A double-buffered container that eliminates screen flicker.
- PtDivider
- A container with re-sizable rows or
- PtEllipse
- An ellipse defined by a rectangular area.
- PtFileSel
- A tree-like widget used to select files and directories.
- PtFolder
- A file-folder style container.
- PtFolderTab
- A tab for accessing folder contents.
- PtFontSel
- is used to select font attributes.
- PtGauge
- A parent class for gauge widget resources.
- PtGenList
- A parent class for list and tree widget resources.
- PtGenTree
- A parent class for tree widget resources.
- PtGraphic
- A parent class for graphic widget resources.
- PtGrid
- A grid of horizontal and vertical lines.
- PtGroup
- groups widgets and manages their geometry.
- PtHtml
- An HTML viewer.
- PtIcon
- A container for a Photon Desktop Manager icon.
- PtLabel
- A label that displays text, bitmaps, or images.
- PtLed
- An LED-style data display.
- PtLedBar
- An LED display in bar format.
- PtLedPanel
- An LED display in panel format.
- PtLine
- A line defined by two points and an origin.
- PtList
- A scrollable list of items.
- PtMenu
- A pop-up or pull-down menu.
- PtMenuBar
- holds and manages menu buttons.
- PtMenuButton
- A button used to access menus.
- PtMenuLabel
- provides labels for menus.
- PtMessage
- A text message that appears in a pop-up window.
- PtMeter
- An arc-shaped real-time meter with indicator needle (in QNX 6).
- PtMultiText
- A text box that supports multiple lines and various text styles.
- PtNumeric
- A parent class for numeric widget resources.
- PtNumericFloat
- An entry box for floating-point values.
- PtNumericInteger
- An entry box for integer values.
- PtOnOffButton
- A button that can be set to ON or OFF.
- PtPane
- A container that facilitates anchoring and layout of other widgets.
- PtPixel
- A set of points.
- PtPolygon
- A set of points connected by lines.
- PtRaw
- A canvas for drawing Photon graphics primitives.
- PtRect
- A rectangle defined by two points.
- PtRegion
- A means to access and control regions of the interface.
- PtScale
- A marked scale.
- PtScrollArea
- A compact display of a large virtual area.
- PtScrollbar
- A sliding handle for navigating a scroll area.
- PtSeparator
- A line that separates menu items.
- PtSlider
- A sliding-scale input mechanism.
- PtTerminal
- A window that functions like a terminal.
- PtText
- A single-line or multi-line text entry/display field.
- PtToggleButton
- A button that toggles ON or OFF.
- PtTree
- An expanding/collapsing tree-style list of items.
- PtTrend
- A graph for displaying real-time trends (in QNX 6).
- PtTty
- A terminal that is attached to a device.
- PtUpDown
- A pair of buttons that increment and decrement a value.
- PtWidget
- The parent class of all widgets.
- PtWindow
- A window managed by the Photon Window Manager.
- RtMeter
- An arc-shaped real-time meter with indicator needle (in QNX 4).
- RtProgress
- A bar-style real-time progress indicator.
- RtTrend
- A graph for displaying real-time trends (in QNX 4).
VII. Callback Classes- CwMatrixCallback
- matrix activity callback information.
- PtBasicCallback
- toggle status callback information.
- PtCalendarSelectCallback
- calendar selection callback information.
- PtCallbackInfo
- gives access to callback information.
- PtClockTimeCallback
- time change callback information.
- PtContainerCallback
- resize callback information.
- PtDividerCallback
- divider movement callback information.
- PtFileSelCallback
- file selection callback information.
- PtFileSelBkgdCallback
- directory item read callback information.
- PtGenTreeInput
- input callback information.
- PtHotkeyCallback
- hotkey callback information.
- PtHtmlCallback
- file loading callback information.
- PtListCallback
- item selection callback information.
- PtListInput
- text input callback information.
- PtMeterCallback
- needle movement callback information (in QNX 6).
- PtNumericFloatCallback
- float change callback information.
- PtNumericIntegerCallback
- integer change callback information.
- PtOnOffButtonCallback
- state change callback information.
- PtScrollbarCallback
- handle movement callback information.
- PtSliderCallback
- handle movement callback information.
- PtTerminalFontChange
- font change callback information.
- PtTerminalInput
- input callback information.
- PtTerminalOptionChange
- option change callback information.
- PtTerminalScrlbkCb
- scrollbar movement callback information.
- PtTerminalSizeChange
- size change callback information.
- PtTextCallback
- text change callback information.
- PtTreeCallback
- PtTree callback information.
- PtTtyOutput
- output callback information.
- RtMeterCallback
- needle movement callback information (in QNX 4).
VIII. Common Classes- CwMatrixCell
- A cell of a CwMatrix.
- PhArea
- The position and size of a rectangular area.
- PhBlitEvent
- A bit block transformation (blit) event on a rectangular area.
- PhBoundaryEvent
- The event of leaving or entering an event region.
- PhDim
- The dimensions (height and width) of a widget.
- PhDragEvent
- The event of dragging an object.
- PhDrawEvent
- The event of drawing an object.
- PhEvent
- An event.
- PhEventRegion
- A region that emits or collects an event.
- PhImage
- Information about an image.
- PhKeyEvent
- The event of pressing a keyboard key.
- PhPoint, PhLPoint
- The (x,y) coordinates of a point.
- PhPointerEvent
- An event initiated by the pointer.
- PhRect
- A rectangular area defined by two points.
- PhRegion
- An area of the interface.
- PhWindowEvent
- An event related to a window.
- PtCalendarDate
- the day, month, and year.
- PtEventData
- data related to a variety of events.
- PtFileSelItem
- an item in a PtFileSel.
- PtMultiTextAttributes
- the attributes of PtMultiText text.
- PtTreeItem
- an item in a PtTree.
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