Graphics Functions

Table of Contents

ImageSubDivide - divides an image into columns and rows.
ImageThumbNail - resizes images by pixels.
ImageToLabel - makes a label from an image.
PgCMY - represents colors as combinations of cyan, magenta, and yellow.
PgGray - converts a gray level index from 8-bit to 24-bit color.
PgGrayValue - converts a color to a gray-scale equivalent.
PgHSV - represents color by hue, saturation, and brightness.
PgRedValue, PgGreenValue, PgBlueValue - indicate color strength.
PgRGB - represents colors as combinations of red, green, and blue.
PxConvolveImage - performs matrix-based convolutions on images.
PxCopyImage - copies an image.
PxGreyImage - converts colored images to grey.
PxLoadImage - loads image files.
PxReduceImage - resizes images by percentage.
PxSubImage - returns a sub-image of a passed image.
PxThresholdImage - converts grey-scale images to black and white.