PgCMY(cyan_component, magenta_component, yellow_component)
The cyan component of the desired color expressed as a number between 0-255 decimal (0x00-0xff hex).
The magenta component of the desired color expressed as a number between 0-255 decimal (0x00-0xff hex).
The yellow component of the desired color expressed as a number between 0-255 decimal (0x00-0xff hex).
A 24-bit number in the range 0x000000 - 0xffffff that represents the combination of the cyan_component, the magenta_component, and the yellow_component using the CMY color model.
The CMY color model (classically known as the CMYK model) is a popular representation, especially for pigment-based, subtractive color processes like printing. The RGB color model, on the other hand, is additive. The RGB model is light-based, and works on adding color to black. For example, adding green light to blue light gives yellow light. Adding red, green, and blue light together gives white light. So, in the RGB model, the full value is white, represented as (255,255,255).
The CMY model, though, is subtractive, since it is pigment-based. Pigments absorb all light except the color reflected. Thus when you add pigments, you actually subtract color. For example, adding cyan, magenta, and yellow pigments will yield black. That means the full value of the CMY color model is black, with a value of (255,255,255).
Gamma> WHITE = PgCMY(0,0,0); 0xfffff Gamma> YELLOW = PgCMY(0,0,255); 0xffff00 Gamma> ORANGE = PgCMY(0,90,255); 0xffa500 Gamma> RED = PgCMY(0,255,255); 0xff0000 Gamma> MAGENTA = PgCMY(0,255,0); 0xff00ff Gamma> BLUE = PgCMY(255,255,0); 0xff Gamma> GREEN = PgCMY(255,0,255); 0xff00 Gamma> BLACK = PgCMY(255,255,255); 0x0
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