PgRGB (red, green, blue)
A number 0-255 decimal (0x00-0xff hex) representing the red component of the color.
A number 0-255 decimal (0x00-0xff hex) representing the green component of the color.
A number 0-255 decimal (0x00-0xff hex) representing the blue component of the color.
A 24-bit color in the range 0x0 - 0xffffff that represents the combination of the passed args using the RGB color model.
The RGB color model is the most familiar since it uses additive color combinations. As it is based on light, the lowest value is (0,0,0), or black (no light, no color); and the highest value is (255,255,255), or white (a combination of all colors).
Gamma> WHITE = PgRGB(255,255,255); 0xffffff Gamma> YELLOW = PgRGB(0,255,255); 0xffff Gamma> ORANGE = PgRGB(255,165,0); 0xffa500 Gamma> RED = PgRGB(255,0,0); 0xff0000 Gamma> MAGENTA = PgRGB(255,0,255); 0xff00ff Gamma> BLUE = PgRGB(0,0,255); 0xff Gamma> GREEN = PgRGB(0,255,0); 0xff00 Gamma> BLACK = PgRGB(0,0,0); 0x0
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