This tutorial demonstrates how to create a tree to view data.
/* All user scripts should derive from the base "Application" class */ require ("Application"); require ("WindowsSupport"); class TreeViewDemo Application { window; tree; data = [["top_level_1", ["level_1_1", ["level_2_1", "level_3_1", ["level_3_2", "level_4_1"], "level_3_3" ], ["level_2_2", "level_3_4", "level_3_5", "level_3_6" ] ], ["level_1_2", "level_2_3", "level_2_4" ] ] ]; } /* Use methods to create functions outside the 'main line'. */ method TreeViewDemo.FillTree (data) { local root = .tree.GetRootItem(); with descendants in data do { .FillTreeRecursive(root, descendants); } } // Adding an item uses the InsertItem method. method TreeViewDemo.FillTreeRecursive (parent, data) { local nodename = array_p(data) ? data[0] : data; local htreeitem = .tree.InsertItem(nodename, 0, 0, parent, TVI_LAST); local i; if (array_p(data)) { for (i=1; i<length(data); i++) { .FillTreeRecursive(htreeitem, data[i]); } } } // Find the full path name of the selected item in the tree method TreeViewDemo.GetTreeSelection () { local hitem = .tree.GetSelectedItem(); .GetTreeItemFullname (hitem); } // Get just the text label of the given item method TreeViewDemo.GetTreeItemText (hitem) { local item = new TVITEM(); local buf; item.hItem = hitem; item.mask = TVIF_TEXT; item.cchTextMax = 128; item.pszText = make_buffer(128); .tree.GetItem (item); buf = item.pszText; buffer_to_string (buf); } // Find the full path name of the given item. The path // separator can be changed by modifying the / below method TreeViewDemo.GetTreeItemFullname (hitem) { local itemtext, pname, hparent, hgrandparent, sep = "/"; if (hitem != 0) { itemtext = .GetTreeItemText (hitem); hparent = .tree.GetParentItem(hitem); if (hparent != 0) { hgrandparent = .tree.GetParentItem(hparent); // If you want to make the first separator different from the // rest, change it here. if (hgrandparent == 0) sep = "/"; } pname = .GetTreeItemFullname (hparent); if (pname) string (pname, sep, itemtext); else itemtext; } else nil; } // Callback when an item is selected method TreeViewDemo.cbItemSelected (itemname) { princ ("You selected item: ", itemname, "\n"); } // Callback before a branch in the tree is expanded or collapsed method TreeViewDemo.cbPointExpanding () { local item = map_volatile_pointer (pnmh, NMTREEVIEW); local hitem = item.itemNew.hItem; local pointname = .GetTreeItemFullname (hitem); if (item.action == TVE_COLLAPSE) { princ ("Item: ", pointname, " is about to collapse\n"); } else { princ ("Item: ", pointname, " is about to expand\n"); } // Allow the tree to expand or collapse 0; } // Callback after a branch is expanded or collapsed method TreeViewDemo.cbPointExpanded () { local item = map_volatile_pointer (pnmh, NMTREEVIEW); local hitem = item.itemNew.hItem; local pointname = .GetTreeItemFullname (hitem); if (item.action == TVE_COLLAPSE) { princ ("Item: ", pointname, " has collapsed\n"); } else { princ ("Item: ", pointname, " has expanded\n"); } // Allow the tree to expand or collapse 0; } /* Write the 'main line' of the program here. */ method TreeViewDemo.constructor () { local win = new GWindow(); local rect = CreateRect(100, 100, 220, 220); local clientrect = CreateRect(0,0,0,0); win.Create (0, rect, "TreeView Example", WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, 0); win.MessageHandler (WM_DESTROY, `(!destroyed_p(@self) ? destroy(@self) : nil)); .window = win; .window.SetBackground (0, GetSysColor (COLOR_3DFACE), 0); // Find the interior size of the window so we can size the TreeView win.GetClientRect(clientrect); // ------- TreeView example starts here // Create a TreeView. Use TVS_* to set the options. local tv = win.CreateControl (GTreeViewCtrl, 5, 5, clientrect.right - 10, clientrect.bottom - 10, "ExampleTreeView", TVS_CHECKBOXES | TVS_HASLINES | TVS_LINESATROOT | TVS_HASBUTTONS | TVS_TRACKSELECT | TVS_NOHSCROLL); .tree = tv; // If the window has a different background, make sure the combo box // stays white. tv.SetChildBackground (0, GetSysColor (COLOR_WINDOW), 0); // Fill the tree once at the start .FillTree(.data); // Trigger an event when the user selects an item win.NotifyHandler (TVN_SELCHANGED, tv, `(@self).cbItemSelected((@self).GetTreeSelection())); win.NotifyHandler (TVN_ITEMEXPANDING, tv, `(@self).cbPointExpanding()); win.NotifyHandler (TVN_ITEMEXPANDED, tv, `(@self).cbPointExpanded()); // There is no event in Windows for changing a check-box state in a TreeView !? // Checkbox events are absurdly difficult to deal with in C++, and impossible //in Gamma. // You can add events to handle other use cases as well... //win.NotifyHandler (NM_DBLCLK, tv, `(@self).cbDoubleClick((@self).GetTreeSelection())); //tv.MessageHandler (WM_RBUTTONDOWN, `((@self).cbRightClick())); // Reize the TreeView when the window resizes win.AddControlResizeFlags (tv, DLSZ_SIZE_X | DLSZ_SIZE_Y); // ------- TreeView example ends here win.ShowWindow (SW_SHOW); } /* Any code to be run when the program gets shut down. */ method TreeViewDemo.destructor () { if (instance_p(.window)) destroy (.window); } /* Start the program by instantiating the class. If your * constructor code does not create a persistent reference to * the instance (self), then it will be destroyed by the * garbage collector soon after creation. If you do not want * this to happen, assign the instance to a global variable, or * create a static data member in your class to which you assign * 'self' during the construction process. ApplicationSingleton() * does this for you automatically. */ ApplicationSingleton (TreeViewDemo);
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