Colormaps and Colors


Colormaps and Colors -- manipulation of colors and colormaps.


#include <gdk/gdk.h>

struct      GdkColor;
struct      GdkColormap;
GdkColormap* gdk_colormap_new               (GdkVisual *visual,
                                             gint allocate);
GdkColormap* gdk_colormap_ref               (GdkColormap *cmap);
void        gdk_colormap_unref              (GdkColormap *cmap);
GdkColormap* gdk_colormap_get_system        (void);
gint        gdk_colormap_get_system_size    (void);
void        gdk_colormap_change             (GdkColormap *colormap,
                                             gint ncolors);
gint        gdk_colormap_alloc_colors       (GdkColormap *colormap,
                                             GdkColor *colors,
                                             gint ncolors,
                                             gboolean writeable,
                                             gboolean best_match,
                                             gboolean *success);
gboolean    gdk_colormap_alloc_color        (GdkColormap *colormap,
                                             GdkColor *color,
                                             gboolean writeable,
                                             gboolean best_match);
void        gdk_colormap_free_colors        (GdkColormap *colormap,
                                             GdkColor *colors,
                                             gint ncolors);
GdkVisual*  gdk_colormap_get_visual         (GdkColormap *colormap);
void        gdk_colors_store                (GdkColormap *colormap,
                                             GdkColor *colors,
                                             gint ncolors);
GdkColor*   gdk_color_copy                  (GdkColor *color);
void        gdk_color_free                  (GdkColor *color);
gboolean    gdk_colors_alloc                (GdkColormap *colormap,
                                             gint contiguous,
                                             gulong *planes,
                                             gint nplanes,
                                             gulong *pixels,
                                             gint npixels);
void        gdk_colors_free                 (GdkColormap *colormap,
                                             gulong *pixels,
                                             gint npixels,
                                             gulong planes);
gboolean    gdk_color_white                 (GdkColormap *colormap,
                                             GdkColor *color);
gboolean    gdk_color_black                 (GdkColormap *colormap,
                                             GdkColor *color);
gboolean    gdk_color_parse                 (const gchar *spec,
                                             GdkColor *color);
gboolean    gdk_color_alloc                 (GdkColormap *colormap,
                                             GdkColor *color);
gboolean    gdk_color_change                (GdkColormap *colormap,
                                             GdkColor *color);
gint        gdk_color_equal                 (const GdkColor *colora,
                                             const GdkColor *colorb);
guint       gdk_color_hash                  (const GdkColor *colora,
                                             const GdkColor *colorb);


These functions are used to modify colormaps. A colormap is an object that contains the mapping between the color values stored in memory and the RGB values that are used to display color values. In general, colormaps only contain significant information for pseudo-color visuals, but even for other visual types, a colormap object is required in some circumstances.

There are a couple of special colormaps that can be retrieved. The system colormap (retrieved with gdk_colormap_get_system()) is the default colormap of the system. If you are using GdkRGB, there is another colormap that is important - the colormap in which GdkRGB works, retrieved with gdk_rgb_get_cmap(). However, when using GdkRGB, it is not generally necessary to allocate colors directly.

In previous revisions of this interface, a number of functions that take a GdkColormap parameter were replaced with functions whose names began with "gdk_colormap_". This process will probably be extended somewhat in the future - gdk_color_white(), gdk_color_black(), and gdk_color_change() will probably become aliases.


struct GdkColor

struct GdkColor
  gulong  pixel;
  gushort red;
  gushort green;
  gushort blue;

The GdkColor structure is used to describe an allocated or unallocated color.

pixelFor allocated colors, the value used to draw this color on the screen.
redThe red component of the color. This is a value between 0 and 65535, with 65535 indicating full intensitiy.
greenthe blue component of the color.
bluethe green component of the color..

struct GdkColormap

struct GdkColormap
  gint      size;
  GdkColor *colors;

The colormap structure contains the following public fields.

sizeFor pseudo-color colormaps, the number of colors in the colormap..
colorsAn array containing the current values in the colormap. This can be used to map from pixel values back to RGB values. This is only meaningful for pseudo-color colormaps.

gdk_colormap_new ()

GdkColormap* gdk_colormap_new               (GdkVisual *visual,
                                             gint allocate);

Create a new colormap for the given visual.

visual :a GdkVisual.
allocate :if TRUE, the newly created colormap will be a private colormap, and all colors in it will be allocated for the applications use.
Returns :the new GdkColormap.

gdk_colormap_ref ()

GdkColormap* gdk_colormap_ref               (GdkColormap *cmap);

Increase the reference count of a colormap.

cmap :a GdkColormap.
Returns :cmap

gdk_colormap_unref ()

void        gdk_colormap_unref              (GdkColormap *cmap);

Decrease the reference count of a colormap. If the resulting reference count is zero, destroys the colormap.

cmap :a GdkColormap.

gdk_colormap_get_system ()

GdkColormap* gdk_colormap_get_system        (void);

Returns the system's default colormap.

Returns :the default colormap.

gdk_colormap_get_system_size ()

gint        gdk_colormap_get_system_size    (void);

Returns the size of the system's default colormap. (See the description of struct GdkColormap for an explanation of the size of a colormap.)

Returns :the size of the system's default colormap.

gdk_colormap_change ()

void        gdk_colormap_change             (GdkColormap *colormap,
                                             gint ncolors);

Change the value of the first ncolors in a private colormap to match the values in the colors array in the color map. This function is obsolete and should not be used. See gdk_color_change().

colormap :a GdkColormap.
ncolors :the number of colors to change.

gdk_colormap_alloc_colors ()

gint        gdk_colormap_alloc_colors       (GdkColormap *colormap,
                                             GdkColor *colors,
                                             gint ncolors,
                                             gboolean writeable,
                                             gboolean best_match,
                                             gboolean *success);

Allocates colors from a colormap.

colormap :a GdkColormap.
colors :The color values to allocate. On return, the pixel values for allocated colors will be filled in.
ncolors :The number of colors in colors.
writeable :If TRUE, the colors are allocated writeable (their values can later be changed using gdk_color_change()). Writeable colors cannot be shared between applications.
best_match :If TRUE, GDK will attempt to do matching against existing colors if the colors cannot be allocated as requested.
success :An array of length ncolors. On return, this indicates whether the corresponding color in colors was sucessfully allocated or not.
Returns :The number of colors that were not sucessfully allocated.

gdk_colormap_alloc_color ()

gboolean    gdk_colormap_alloc_color        (GdkColormap *colormap,
                                             GdkColor *color,
                                             gboolean writeable,
                                             gboolean best_match);

Allocate a single color from a colormap.

colormap :a GdkColormap.
color :the color to allocate. On return the pixel field will be filled in if allocation succeeds.
writeable :If TRUE, the color is allocated writeable (their values can later be changed using gdk_color_change()). Writeable colors cannot be shared between applications.
best_match :If TRUE, GDK will attempt to do matching against existing colors if the color cannot be allocated as requested.
Returns :TRUE if the allocation succeeded.

gdk_colormap_free_colors ()

void        gdk_colormap_free_colors        (GdkColormap *colormap,
                                             GdkColor *colors,
                                             gint ncolors);

Free previously allocated colors.

colormap :a GdkColormap.
colors :the colors to free.
ncolors :the number of colors in colors.

gdk_colormap_get_visual ()

GdkVisual*  gdk_colormap_get_visual         (GdkColormap *colormap);

Return the visual for which a given colormap was created.

colormap :a GdkColormap.
Returns :the visual of the colormap.

gdk_colors_store ()

void        gdk_colors_store                (GdkColormap *colormap,
                                             GdkColor *colors,
                                             gint ncolors);

Change the value of the first ncolors colors in a private colormap. This function is obsolete and should not be used. See gdk_color_change().

colormap :a GdkColormap.
colors :the new color values.
ncolors :the number of colors to change.

gdk_color_copy ()

GdkColor*   gdk_color_copy                  (GdkColor *color);

Make a copy of a color structure. The result must be freed using gdk_color_free().

color :a GdkColor.
Returns :a copy of color.

gdk_color_free ()

void        gdk_color_free                  (GdkColor *color);

Free a color structure created with gdk_color_copy().

color :a GdkColor.

gdk_colors_alloc ()

gboolean    gdk_colors_alloc                (GdkColormap *colormap,
                                             gint contiguous,
                                             gulong *planes,
                                             gint nplanes,
                                             gulong *pixels,
                                             gint npixels);

Allocate colors from a colormap. This function is obsolete. See gdk_colormap_alloc_colors(). For full documentation of the fields, see the Xlib documentation for XAllocColorCells.

colormap :a GdkColormap.
contiguous :if TRUE, the colors should be allocated in contiguous color cells.
planes :an array in which to store the plane masks.
nplanes :the number of planes to allocate. (Or zero, to indicate that the color allocation should not be planar.)
pixels :an array into which to store allocated pixel values.
npixels :the number of pixels in each plane to allocate.
Returns : 

gdk_colors_free ()

void        gdk_colors_free                 (GdkColormap *colormap,
                                             gulong *pixels,
                                             gint npixels,
                                             gulong planes);

Free colors allocated with gdk_colors_alloc(). This function is obsolete. See gdk_colormap_free_colors().

colormap :a GdkColormap.
pixels :the pixel values of the colors to free.
npixels :the number of values in pixels.
planes :the plane masks for all planes to free, OR'd together.

gdk_color_white ()

gboolean    gdk_color_white                 (GdkColormap *colormap,
                                             GdkColor *color);

Return the white color for a given colormap. The resulting value has already allocated been allocated.

colormap :a GdkColormap.
color :the location to store the color.
Returns :TRUE if the allocation succeeded.

gdk_color_black ()

gboolean    gdk_color_black                 (GdkColormap *colormap,
                                             GdkColor *color);

Return the black color for a given colormap. The resulting value has already benn allocated.

colormap :a GdkColormap.
color :the location to store the color.
Returns :TRUE if the allocation succeeded.

gdk_color_parse ()

gboolean    gdk_color_parse                 (const gchar *spec,
                                             GdkColor *color);

Parse a textual specification of a color and fill in the red, green, and blue fields of a GdkColor structure. The color is not allocated, you must call gdk_colormap_alloc_color() yourself. The text string can be in any of the forms accepted by XParseColor; these include name for a color from rgb.txt, such as DarkSlateGray, or a hex specification such as 305050.

spec :the string specifying the color.
color :the GdkColor to fill in
Returns : 

gdk_color_alloc ()

gboolean    gdk_color_alloc                 (GdkColormap *colormap,
                                             GdkColor *color);

Allocate a single color from a colormap. This function is obsolete. See gdk_colormap_alloc_color().

colormap :a GdkColormap.
color :The color to allocate. On return, the pixel field will be filled in.
Returns :TRUE if the allocation succeeded.

gdk_color_change ()

gboolean    gdk_color_change                (GdkColormap *colormap,
                                             GdkColor *color);

Change the value of a color that has already been allocated. If colormap is not a private colormap, then the color must have been allocated using gdk_colormap_alloc_colors() with the writeable set to TRUE.

colormap :a GdkColormap.
color :a GdkColor, with the color to change in the pixel field, and the new value in the remaining fields.
Returns : 

gdk_color_equal ()

gint        gdk_color_equal                 (const GdkColor *colora,
                                             const GdkColor *colorb);

Compare two colors.

colora :a GdkColor.
colorb :another GdkColor.
Returns :TRUE if the two colors compare equal

gdk_color_hash ()

guint       gdk_color_hash                  (const GdkColor *colora,
                                             const GdkColor *colorb);

A hash function suitable for using for a hash table that stores GdkColor's.

colora :a GdkColor.
colorb :NOT USED.
Returns :The hash function appled to colora