
GStatusBarCtrl — an area at the bottom of a window that displays information.


class GStatusBarCtrl GWindowBase

Base Classes

GWindowBase <-- GStatusBarCtrl

Class Members

These functions correspond to Windows functions, but may not have exactly the same name. The links attempt a search on the name, but you might have to refine the search manually.

AddControlResizeFlags (ctrlid, flags)
Create (hWndParent, rect, szWindowName, dwStyle, dwExStyle)
EndResizeGroup ()
GetBorders (args?...)
GetIcon (nPane)
GetRect (nPane, lpRect)
GetText (args?...)
GetTextBSTR (args?...)
GetTextLength (args?...)
GetTipText (nPane, lpstrText, nSize)
GetUnicodeFormat ()
IsSimple ()
SetBkColor (clrBk)
SetIcon (nPane, hIcon)
SetMinHeight (nMin)
SetSimple (args?...)
SetText (args?...)
SetTipText (nPane, lpstrText)
SetUnicodeFormat (args?...)
StartResizeGroup ()

This class also inherits the functions of GWindowBase.