2.4. Logs, Groups, and Labels

The command that puts the Cascade TextLogger to work is log, which initiates line-by-line writing of a point or points to a file, according to a format you specify. When making this command you give the log a unique label to identify it. Log commands can be grouped by label using the group command, and each group must be labeled as well. Most other Cascade TextLogger commands make modifications to a log or group, and they use the label to identify which log or group is to be modified. When a group is modified by a command, every log in the group is modified.

Most of the Cascade TextLogger commands work with individual logs and groups. Some commands, such as collect, file, time, timestamp, and usegmt can also set global defaults for all logs and groups, by not specifying a label as an argument. If a label is specified for these commands, its value always overrides the global default, regardless of the order in the configuration file or when a command is sent.