The Ultimate OPC Enabling Technology
OPC Tunnelling
OPC Data Logging
OPC Bridging
OPC Aggregation
OPC to Excel
OPC to Web
OPC Scripting
OPC to Email / SMS
OPC to Linux / QNX
System Monitor
OPC Scripting
Customize a solution to meet your specific needs
The OPC DataHub comes with a powerful scripting language that helps you customize a solution that gets the job done. Whether you need to run a script every time a specific value changes, or you need to build a custom window so that operators can enter data, the DataHub scripting feature will help you do it.

  • Attach code to specific data points so the script runs whenever the point value changes.
  • Create alarm condition scripts and have them display warning messages to the user.
  • Build custom dashboards and summary displays directly in Gamma scripts to create self contained DataHub applications.
  • Create Excel readable log files from your live data by running logging code on a timed interval, or whenever a point change occurs.
  • Connect to ODBC compliant relational databases to extract data as well as create records from live data.
  • Apply linear transforms on data as it passes through the DataHub (for example change a temperature reading from Celsius to Fahrenheit).
  • Create full OPC Server simulation programs in Gamma to test production systems before you 'go live'.
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