

access function (Gamma), Setting up Cogent Interprocess Communication - start_qnserves, Start a Process - start_process, find_on_path, Process Termination - anyos_find_process
accumulate_trends demo function
code, Trend Functions - accumulate_trends, update_trends
in context, The Monitor Window - create_monitor
add_exception_function function (Gamma), Automatically Change SP Value - auto_control, The Monitor Window - create_monitor, The Monitor Window - create_monitor, Callback Functions - slider_callback, num_callback
add_hook function (Gamma), Starting Programs - program_startup
after function (Gamma), Starting Programs - program_startup, GTK: Recording Data - record_data, countdown, Photon: Recording Data - record_data, countdown
All button
for Collect, Making Logs and Plots
for Plot, Plotting logs in Linux, GTK: the Log window - create_log
allow_entry_values demo function
code in GTK, GTK: Editing Queries - .change_int, allow_entry_values, .assign_values
code in Photon, Photon: Editing Queries - .change_int, .allow_entry_values
in context (GTK), GTK: Interpolator Options Widgets - qry_radio_but, qry_entry
Any button, Making Logs and Plots
anyguidestroyer demo function
code, Process Termination - anygui_destroyer
in context, Starting Programs - program_startup
anygui_makemsg demo function
code, Creating a Message/Dialog Window - anygui_makemsg
in context, Starting Programs - program_startup, Start a Process - start_process, find_on_path, Showing Help - anyos_help
anygui_move_window demo function
code, Moving the Window - anygui_move_window
anygui_show_text demo function
code, Displaying Text - anygui_show_text
in context, Common: Starting and Stopping the Cascade TextLogger - log_toggle
anygui_sigchild demo function
code, Process Termination - anygui_sigchild
in context, Starting Programs - program_startup
anyos_assign demo function
code, Reassigning Strings - anyos_assign
in context, create_monitor, Photon: the Controller window - create_control_win , Photon: the History Window - HistoryWindow class, .constructor, create_history
anyos_change_settings demo function
code, Change PID settings in the Monitor - anyos_change_settings
anyos_find_process demo function
code, Process Termination - anyos_find_process
in context, Starting qserve and nserve - start_qnserves
anyos_help demo function
code, Showing Help - anyos_help
anyos_system demo function
code, System Calls - anyos_system
anyver_change_settings demo function
code, Numeric Changing Settings - anyver_change_settings
in context, Change PID settings in the Monitor - anyos_change_settings
anyver_load_libs demo function
code, Loading Extra Libraries for QNX 4 - anyver_loadlibs, gui_require
anyver_numeric_assign demo function
code, Numeric Assignments - anyver_numeric_assign
in context, QNX 6-specific Function - numeric_assign
anyver_numeric_callback demo function
code, Numeric Callbacks - anyver_numeric_callback
array function (Gamma), The Monitor Window - create_monitor
array_to_list function (Gamma), Photon: Setting Up Plots - make_graph, make_CwGraph_points
assign_history demo function
code, Common: Sending Commands to the Cascade Historian send_hs_command, assign_history, display_hs_info
in context, GTK: Editing Queries - .change_int, allow_entry_values, .assign_values, Photon: Sending Queries - send_query, .assign_values, .get_data
assign_values demo method
in context (GTK), GTK: Sending Queries - send_query, .get_data
in context (Photon), Photon: Sending Queries - send_query, .assign_values, .get_data
in GTK, GTK: Editing Queries - .change_int, allow_entry_values, .assign_values
in Photon, Photon: Sending Queries - send_query, .assign_values, .get_data
assoc_equal function (Gamma), Handling Terminated Processes - child_died
atexit function (Gamma), Starting Programs - program_startup, Starting Programs - program_startup
attach_msg demo function
code, Rollovers - PtBasic.rollover, attach_msg
in context, Photon: the Controller window - create_control_win
Automatic mode button, Monitoring the PID Loop, Automatically Change SP Value - auto_control, The Monitor Window - create_monitor, Button Functions - toggle_sym, change_settings
AUTO_001 datahub point, Automatically Change SP Value - auto_control, The Monitor Window - create_monitor
auto_control demo function
code, Automatically Change SP Value - auto_control
in context, Emulating the PID Loop - change_values


block_signal function (Gamma), For QNX (lib/qnx.g)
bufferIdDataAscii command (Cascade Historian)
in GTK, GTK: Sending Queries - send_query, .get_data
in Photon, Photon: Sending Queries - send_query, .assign_values, .get_data
bufferIdDestroy command (Cascade Historian) in GTK, GTK: Sending Queries - send_query, .get_data
bufferIdDestroy command (Cascade Historian) in Photon, Photon: Sending Queries - send_query, .assign_values, .get_data
bufferIdLength command (Cascade Historian)
in GTK, GTK: Sending Queries - send_query, .get_data
in Photon, Photon: Sending Queries - send_query, .assign_values, .get_data
button_messages demo function
code, Buttons - button_messages


calculate method
code, The PID Controller Class - PID_Controller
in context, Emulating the PID Loop - change_values
cancel function (Gamma), Automatically Change SP Value - auto_control, Common: Starting and Stopping the Cascade TextLogger - log_toggle
car, cadr etc. functions (Gamma), Start a Process - start_process, find_on_path, Handling Terminated Processes - child_died, Stop Processes - stop_processes
Cascade Connect
in control flow, Control Flow
in data flow, Data Flow
Cascade DataHub
in control flow, Control Flow
in data flow, Data Flow
viewing data, Viewing and Changing Data Points
Cascade Historian
bufferIdDataAscii command (GTK), GTK: Sending Queries - send_query, .get_data
bufferIdDataAscii command (Photon), Photon: Sending Queries - send_query, .assign_values, .get_data
bufferIdDestroy command (GTK), GTK: Sending Queries - send_query, .get_data
bufferIdDestroy command (Photon), Photon: Sending Queries - send_query, .assign_values, .get_data
bufferIdLength command (GTK), GTK: Sending Queries - send_query, .get_data
bufferIdLength command (Photon), Photon: Sending Queries - send_query, .assign_values, .get_data
commands, Common: The Cascade Historian Configuration File - hist.cfg
configuration, Common: The Cascade Historian Configuration File - hist.cfg
enable command (GTK), GTK: Recording Data - record_data, countdown
enable command (Photon), Photon: Recording Data - record_data, countdown
exit command, Kill a Child Process - kill_child
flush command, Kill a Child Process - kill_child
in control flow, Control Flow
in data flow, Data Flow
running;, Creating and Querying Historical Records
Cascade NameServer
in control flow, Control Flow
in data flow, Data Flow
Cascade QueueServer
in control flow, Control Flow
in data flow, Data Flow
Cascade TextLogger
commands, Common: The Cascade TextLogger Configuration File - tl.cfg, Common: Controlling the Cascade TextLogger - send_command
configuration, Common: The Cascade TextLogger Configuration File - tl.cfg
in control flow, Control Flow
in data flow, Data Flow
running, Making Logs and Plots
change_int demo method
in context (GTK), GTK: Interpolator Options Widgets - qry_radio_but, qry_entry
in context (Photon), Photon: Plots and Deadbands - query_refresh, reset_deadbands, db_prep_query
in GTK, GTK: Editing Queries - .change_int, allow_entry_values, .assign_values
in Photon, Photon: Editing Queries - .change_int, .allow_entry_values
change_procvar demo function
code , The Plant Model - change_procvar
in context, Emulating the PID Loop - change_values
change_settings demo function
code in GTK, Button Functions - toggle_sym, change_settings
code in Photon, Button Functions - toggle_sym, change_settings
in context (GTK), The Monitor Window - create_monitor
in context (Photon), The Monitor Window - create_monitor
change_values demo function
code, Emulating the PID Loop - change_values
in context, The PID Controller Class - PID_Controller, Emulating the PID Loop - change_values
child_died demo function
code, Handling Terminated Processes - child_died
in context, Process Termination - anygui_sigchild
class function (Gamma), The PID Controller Class - PID_Controller
clock function (Gamma), GTK: Preparing Plots - prepare_times, get_recent_data, Common: Plot Setup - find_midnite, min_max
close function (Gamma), Common: The Text Message Display - read_msg and messages.txt, GTK: Preparing Plots - prepare_times, get_recent_data
close_task function (Gamma), Starting Programs - program_startup, Starting Programs - program_startup, Common: Controlling the Cascade TextLogger - send_command
Any, All, Fill, Making Logs and Plots, Common: Starting and Stopping the Cascade TextLogger - log_toggle
Common Functions
code for, Common Functions for Any Program (in lib/common.g)
common.g, lib/common.g - Common library
conf function (Gamma), The PID Controller Class - PID_Controller
Connect Server
in control flow, Control Flow
in data flow, Data Flow
cons function (Gamma), Start a Process - start_process, find_on_path, Photon: Interpolator Options Widgets - PtText.set_sensitive, PtComboBox.set_sensitive
DeadbandType, Photon: the DeadbandType class and .constructor method
HistoryWindow, Photon: the History Window - HistoryWindow class, .constructor, create_history
control flow, Control Flow
automatic, Control Flow
messages, Control Flow
user-initiated, Control Flow
GTK code, gtkcontrol.g - The Controller program in GTK
in Tutorial Two, Controller Functions
Photon code, phcontrol.g - The Controller program in Photon
running, Starting Up
control_button demo function
code, GTK: Building Control Buttons - control_button
in context, GTK: the Controller window - create_control_win
countdown demo function
code in GTK, GTK: Recording Data - record_data, countdown
code in Photon, Photon: Recording Data - record_data, countdown
in context (GTK), GTK: Recording Data - record_data, countdown
in context (Photon), Photon: Recording Data - record_data, countdown
create_control_win demo function
in GTK, GTK: the Controller window - create_control_win
in Photon, Photon: the Controller window - create_control_win
create_dbtype_win demo function
in GTK, GTK: the Deadband Type Window - create_dbtype_win, db_labels, db_options
in Photon, Photon: the Deadband Type Window - create_dbtype_win, db_options
create_history demo function
code in GTK, GTK: the History Window - create_history, make_toggle_button
code in Photon, Photon: the History Window - HistoryWindow class, .constructor, create_history
create_log demo function
in context, Photon: Log callbacks - start_logging
in GTK, GTK: the Log window - create_log
in Photon, Photon: the Log window - create_log
create_monitor demo function
code (common), create_monitor
in GTK, The Monitor Window - create_monitor
in Photon, The Monitor Window - create_monitor
CwGraph Cogent widget (Gamma/Photon), Photon: Setting Up Plots - make_graph, make_CwGraph_points


DataHub Viewer
in control flow, Control Flow
in data flow, Data Flow
running, Viewing and Changing Data Points
date function (Gamma), Common: Plot Setup - find_midnite, min_max
db_labels demo function
code, GTK: the Deadband Type Window - create_dbtype_win, db_labels, db_options
db_options demo function
in context (GTK), GTK: the Deadband Type Window - create_dbtype_win, db_labels, db_options
in context (Photon), Photon: the Deadband Type Window - create_dbtype_win, db_options
in GTK, GTK: the Deadband Type Window - create_dbtype_win, db_labels, db_options
in in Photon, Photon: the Deadband Type Window - create_dbtype_win, db_options
db_prep_query demo function
code, Photon: Plots and Deadbands - query_refresh, reset_deadbands, db_prep_query
in context, Photon: the History Window - HistoryWindow class, .constructor, create_history
DeadbandSettings class, Common: the DeadbandSettings class and .set_parms method
DeadbandType class, Photon: the DeadbandType class and .constructor method
demo.g mini startup-program
code, Choosing a Controller - the demo.g program
in context, For QNX 6 (lib/qnx6.g)
program listing, demo.g - The Demo Start-Up mini-program
demo_send, Sending Commands, The Plant Model - change_procvar
display_hs_info demo function
code, Common: Sending Commands to the Cascade Historian send_hs_command, assign_history, display_hs_info
downloading the demo, Demo Files and their Locations


emul.g, emul.g - The PID Emulator program
enable command (Cascade Historian)
in context (GTK), GTK: Recording Data - record_data, countdown
in context (Photon), Photon: Recording Data - record_data, countdown
error function (Gamma), Common: the InterpolatorSettings class and .set_defaults, .set_interpolator methods
eval function (Gamma), The PID Controller Class - PID_Controller, Callback Functions - slider_callback, num_callback
every function (Gamma), Automatically Change SP Value - auto_control, Emulating the PID Loop - change_values, GTK: Recording Data - record_data, countdown, Photon: Recording Data - record_data, countdown
exec function (Gamma), Starting Programs - program_startup, Start a Process - start_process, find_on_path
exit command (Cascade Historian), Kill a Child Process - kill_child
exit_program function (Gamma), Kill a Child Process - kill_child
extra_space demo function
code, Common: The Process Status Display - show_names, toggle_raw, .reassign_prog_name, extra_space


file button, Making Logs and Plots
file location, Demo Files and their Locations
file_add demo function
code, GTK: Displaying Query Data - show_data, write_minmax, file_add
in context, GTK: Displaying Query Data - show_data, write_minmax, file_add
Fill button, Making Logs and Plots
find_midnite demo function
code, Common: Plot Setup - find_midnite, min_max
in context, GTK: Setting Up Plots - reset_deadbands, plot_prep
find_on_path demo function
code, Start a Process - start_process, find_on_path
in context, Starting Programs - program_startup, For Linux (lib/linux.g), Common: Starting and Stopping the Cascade TextLogger - log_toggle
floor function (Gamma), The Plant Model - change_procvar
flush command (Cascade Historian), Kill a Child Process - kill_child
for statement (Gamma), Setting up Cogent Interprocess Communication - start_qnserves
fork function (Gamma), Starting Programs - program_startup, Start a Process - start_process, find_on_path
FREQ of change button, Monitoring the PID Loop, Making Scales and Spin Buttons - make_scale, make_prog_bar, make_spinner
FREQ_001 datahub point, Automatically Change SP Value - auto_control


and GTK, GTK: the Controller window - create_control_win
in control flow, Control Flow
in data flow, Data Flow
get_data demo method
in context (GTK), GTK: Displaying Query Data - show_data, write_minmax, file_add
in context (Photon), Photon: Displaying Query Data - show_data
in GTK , GTK: Sending Queries - send_query, .get_data
in Photon , Photon: Sending Queries - send_query, .assign_values, .get_data
get_env function (Gamma), Start a Process - start_process, find_on_path
get_prop function (Gamma), Trend Functions - accumulate_trends, update_trends
get_recent_data demo function
code, GTK: Preparing Plots - prepare_times, get_recent_data
in context, Common: Starting and Stopping the Cascade TextLogger - log_toggle
configuring, GTK: Configuring and Using gnuplot, GTK: Configuring gnuplot
running, Plotting logs in Linux
Good button, Monitoring the PID Loop
gsend, Sending Commands
GtkBox widget (Gamma/GTK), The Monitor Window - create_monitor
GtkCombo widget (Gamma/GTK), GTK: Interpolator Options Widgets - qry_radio_but, qry_entry
GtkContainer widget (Gamma/GTK), Making Scales and Spin Buttons - make_scale, make_prog_bar, make_spinner
gtkcontrol.g, gtkcontrol.g - The Controller program in GTK
GtkDialog widget (Gamma/GTK), Creating a Message/Dialog Window - anygui_makemsg
GtkEntry widget (Gamma/GTK), GTK: Interpolator Options Widgets - qry_radio_but, qry_entry, GTK: the Deadband Type Window - create_dbtype_win, db_labels, db_options
GtkHBox widget (Gamma/GTK), The Monitor Window - create_monitor, GTK: the Controller window - create_control_win
GtkHButtonBox widget (Gamma/GTK), The Monitor Window - create_monitor
gtkhistory.g, gtkhistory.g - The History program in GTK
GtkLabel widget (Gamma/GTK), Label Functions - set_label, table_labeler
gtklog.g, gtklog.g - The Log program in GTK
gtkmonitor.g, gtkmonitor.g - The Monitor program in GTK
gtksimple.g, Complete program - gtksimple.g
GtkTable widget (Gamma/GTK), The Monitor Window - create_monitor
GtkText widget (Gamma/GTK), Displaying Text - anygui_show_text, GTK: the Controller window - create_control_win
GtkVButtonBox widget (Gamma/GTK), GTK: the Controller window - create_control_win
GtkWindow widget (Gamma/GTK), GTK: the Controller window - create_control_win
gtk_signal_handler_block function (Gamma), Update Functions - reset_value, write_data
gtk_signal_handler_unblock function (Gamma), Update Functions - reset_value, write_data
gui_require demo function
code, For QNX 6 (lib/qnx6.g)


hist.cfg file, Common: The Cascade Historian Configuration File - hist.cfg
GTK code, gtkhistory.g - The History program in GTK
in control flow, Control Flow
in Tutorial Two, History Functions
Photon code, phhistory.g - The History program in Photon
running, Creating and Querying Historical Records
HistoryWindow class
code, Photon: the History Window - HistoryWindow class, .constructor, create_history


if statement (Gamma), Photon Functions (in phsimple.g), The Monitor Window - create_monitor, Starting Programs - program_startup
init method
code, The PID Controller Class - PID_Controller
init_ipc function (Gamma), Starting Programs - program_startup, Starting Programs - program_startup
insert function (Gamma), Photon: Setting Up Plots - make_graph, make_CwGraph_points
Insert Text button, Making Logs and Plots
installing the demo, Demo Files and their Locations
interpolate command (Cascade Historian), GTK: Sending Queries - send_query, .get_data
in context (GTK), GTK: Sending Queries - send_query, .get_data
in context (Photon), Photon: Sending Queries - send_query, .assign_values, .get_data
InterpolatorSettings class
code, Common: the InterpolatorSettings class and .set_defaults, .set_interpolator methods
in context (GTK), GTK: Sending Queries - send_query, .get_data, GTK: Displaying Query Data - show_data, write_minmax, file_add
in context (Photon), Photon: Sending Queries - send_query, .assign_values, .get_data, Photon: Displaying Query Data - show_data
INT_001 datahub point, The Plant Model - change_procvar
resetting, Update Functions - reset_value, write_data
is_dir function (Gamma), Common: The Data Directory - make_datadir


kill function (Gamma), Starting Programs - program_startup, Kill a Child Process - kill_child, Stop Processes - stop_processes
kill_child demo function
code, Kill a Child Process - kill_child
Kp, Ki, Kd spin buttons
resetting, Monitoring the PID Loop, Update Functions - reset_value, write_data


lib_require demo function
code, Requiring OS-Specific Libraries - lib_require
in context, Abstracted Functions
list function (Gamma), Start a Process - start_process, find_on_path, GTK: Sending Queries - send_query, .get_data, Photon: Sending Queries - send_query, .assign_values, .get_data
list_to_array function (Gamma), Photon: Setting Up Plots - make_graph, make_CwGraph_points
local statement (Gamma), The PID Controller Class - PID_Controller
locate_task function (Gamma), Starting Programs - program_startup, Starting Programs - program_startup, Common: Controlling the Cascade TextLogger - send_command
GTK code, gtklog.g - The Log program in GTK
in control flow, Control Flow
in Tutorial Two, Log Functions
making logs, Making Logs and Plots
Photon code , phlog.g - The Log program in Photon
running, Making Logs and Plots
Log to button, Making Logs and Plots, GTK: the Log window - create_log, Common: Starting and Stopping the Cascade TextLogger - log_toggle
log_toggle demo function
code, Common: Starting and Stopping the Cascade TextLogger - log_toggle
in context, Photon: Log callbacks - start_logging
lsend, Sending Commands


make_array function (Gamma), Trend Functions - accumulate_trends, update_trends
make_CwGraph_points demo function
code, Photon: Setting Up Plots - make_graph, make_CwGraph_points
make_datadir demo function
code, Common: The Data Directory - make_datadir
in context, Starting Programs - program_startup
make_graph demo function
code, Photon: Setting Up Plots - make_graph, make_CwGraph_points
in context, Photon: Displaying Query Data - show_data
make_prog_bar demo function
code, Making Scales and Spin Buttons - make_scale, make_prog_bar, make_spinner
make_scale demo function
code, Making Scales and Spin Buttons - make_scale, make_prog_bar, make_spinner
in context, The Monitor Window - create_monitor
make_spinner demo function
code, Making Scales and Spin Buttons - make_scale, make_prog_bar, make_spinner
in context, The Monitor Window - create_monitor
make_toggle_button demo function
code, GTK: the History Window - create_history, make_toggle_button
messages.txt file, Common: The Text Message Display - read_msg and messages.txt
method function (Gamma), The PID Controller Class - PID_Controller
min_max demo function
code, Common: Plot Setup - find_midnite, min_max
in context (GTK), GTK: Sending Queries - send_query, .get_data
in context (Photon), Photon: Sending Queries - send_query, .assign_values, .get_data
mkdir function (Gamma), Common: The Data Directory - make_datadir
GTK code, gtkmonitor.g - The Monitor program in GTK
in control flow, Control Flow
in data flow, Data Flow
in Tutorial One, GTK, GTK Functions (in gtksimple.g)
in Tutorial One, Photon, Photon Functions (in phsimple.g)
in Tutorial Two, PID Emulator and Monitor Functions
Photon code, phmonitor.g - The Monitor program in Photon
running, Monitoring the PID Loop
class associated with, The PID Controller Class - PID_Controller
MV_001 datahub point, The PID Controller Class - PID_Controller
PID variables, The PID Controller Class - PID_Controller
scale, Monitoring the PID Loop, Update Functions - reset_value, write_data, Starting Programs - program_startup


nanoclock function (Gamma), GTK: Preparing Plots - prepare_times, get_recent_data
newval, Sending Commands
next_event function (Gamma), Emulating the PID Loop - change_values
nremove function (Gamma), Handling Terminated Processes - child_died
in data flow, Data Flow
starting up, Starting qserve and nserve - start_qnserves
nserve_query function (Gamma), Common: The Process Status Display - show_names, toggle_raw, .reassign_prog_name, extra_space
nsnames, Sending Commands
number_p function (Gamma), The PID Controller Class - PID_Controller, GTK: Sending Queries - send_query, .get_data, Photon: Sending Queries - send_query, .assign_values, .get_data
numeric_assign demo function
code, QNX 6-specific Function - numeric_assign
in context, The Monitor Window - create_monitor
num_callback demo function
code, Callback Functions - slider_callback, num_callback
in context, The Monitor Window - create_monitor


open function (Gamma), Common: The Text Message Display - read_msg and messages.txt, GTK: Preparing Plots - prepare_times, get_recent_data
Oscillating button, Monitoring the PID Loop
Out-of-control button, Monitoring the PID Loop
output command (Cascade TextLogger), Common: Controlling the Cascade TextLogger - send_command


phcontrol.g, phcontrol.g - The Controller program in Photon
phgamma command, Choosing a Controller - the demo.g program
phhistory.g, phhistory.g - The History program in Photon
phlog.g, phlog.g - The Log program in Photon
phmonitor.g, phmonitor.g - The Monitor program in Photon
phsimple.g, Complete program - phsimple.g
PID Emulator
code, emul.g - The PID Emulator program
in control flow, Control Flow
in data flow, Data Flow
in Tutorial One, The PID Emulator (emul.g)
in Tutorial Two, PID Emulator and Monitor Functions
running, Starting Up
PID Loop
assigning new values, Button Functions - toggle_sym, change_settings
setting options, Monitoring the PID Loop
PID_Controller class, The PID Controller Class - PID_Controller
plall.cfg file, GTK: Configuring and Using gnuplot
plhist.cfg file, GTK: Configuring gnuplot
plhistsetup.dat file
example, GTK: Configuring gnuplot
in context, GTK: Configuring gnuplot
pllogtimes.dat file, GTK: Configuring and Using gnuplot
in context, GTK: Configuring and Using gnuplot
plmain.cfg file, GTK: Configuring and Using gnuplot
All button, Plotting logs in Linux
gnuplot, Plotting logs in Linux, GTK: Configuring and Using gnuplot, GTK: Configuring gnuplot
Recent button, Plotting logs in Linux
plot_prep demo function
code, GTK: Setting Up Plots - reset_deadbands, plot_prep
plrecent.cfg file, GTK: Configuring and Using gnuplot
Poor button, Monitoring the PID Loop, The PID Controller Class - PID_Controller, The Plant Model - change_procvar, The Monitor Window - create_monitor
prepare_times demo function
code, GTK: Preparing Plots - prepare_times, get_recent_data
in context, GTK: Configuring and Using gnuplot, Common: Starting and Stopping the Cascade TextLogger - log_toggle
princ function (Gamma/Photon), Starting Programs - program_startup
program_startup demo function
code (Tutorial One), Starting Programs - program_startup
code (Tutorial Two), Starting Programs - program_startup
in context (Tutorial Two), Handling Terminated Processes - child_died
PROP_001 datahub point, The Plant Model - change_procvar
resetting, Update Functions - reset_value, write_data
PtAttachCallback function (Gamma/Photon), Callback Functions - slider_callback, num_callback, Photon: the Controller window - create_control_win
PtBasic widget (Gamma/Photon), Rollovers - PtBasic.rollover, attach_msg
PtInit function (Gamma/Photon), Required Libraries and Initializing Photon
PtLabel widget (Gamma/Photon), Photon only (in lib/photon.g)
PtMainLoop function (Gamma/Photon), Photon: the Controller window - create_control_win
PtMessage widget (Gamma/Photon), Creating a Message/Dialog Window - anygui_makemsg
PtNumericFloat widget (Gamma/Photon), Button Functions - toggle_sym, change_settings, Numeric Callbacks - anyver_numeric_callback
Pt_CB_RAW constant (Gamma/Photon), Rollovers - PtBasic.rollover, attach_msg
put_data demo method
code, Accessing Trend Data - .put_data
PID variables, The Plant Model - change_procvar
PV_001 datahub point, Sending Commands, The PID Controller Class - PID_Controller, The Plant Model - change_procvar
scale, Monitoring the PID Loop, Update Functions - reset_value, write_data, Starting Programs - program_startup
PxHelpTopic widget (Gamma/Photon), For QNX (lib/qnx.g)
PxHelpTopicRoot widget (Gamma/Photon), For QNX (lib/qnx.g)


qnx_name_locate function (Gamma), Setting up Cogent Interprocess Communication - start_qnserves, Process Termination - anyos_find_process
qry_entry demo function
code, GTK: Interpolator Options Widgets - qry_radio_but, qry_entry
qry_radio_but demo function
code, GTK: Interpolator Options Widgets - qry_radio_but, qry_entry
in data flow, Data Flow
starting up, Starting qserve and nserve - start_qnserves
query_refresh demo function
code, Photon: Plots and Deadbands - query_refresh, reset_deadbands, db_prep_query
in context, Photon: the History Window - HistoryWindow class, .constructor, create_history, Photon: Recording Data - record_data, countdown
quote operators (Gamma), Automatically Change SP Value - auto_control, Making Scales and Spin Buttons - make_scale, make_prog_bar, make_spinner, The Monitor Window - create_monitor, Callback Functions - slider_callback, num_callback, GTK: Building Control Buttons - control_button


random function (Gamma), Automatically Change SP Value - auto_control
read_line function (Gamma), Common: The Text Message Display - read_msg and messages.txt, GTK: Displaying Query Data - show_data, write_minmax, file_add, Photon: Displaying Query Data - show_data
read_msg demo function
code, Common: The Text Message Display - read_msg and messages.txt
in context, Sending Messages - send_message, started_died_hook, Common: The Text Message Display - read_msg and messages.txt
reassign_prog_name demo function
code, Common: The Process Status Display - show_names, toggle_raw, .reassign_prog_name, extra_space
Recent button, Plotting logs in Linux, GTK: the Log window - create_log
record_data demo function
in GTK, GTK: Recording Data - record_data, countdown
in Photon, Photon: Recording Data - record_data, countdown
register_point function (Gamma), The PID Controller Class - PID_Controller, Automatically Change SP Value - auto_control, Starting Programs - program_startup
rename function (Gamma), GTK: Preparing Plots - prepare_times, get_recent_data
require function (Gamma), File Overview, Requiring OS-Specific Libraries - lib_require
require_lisp function (Gamma), Required Libraries and Initializing Photon
reset_deadbands demo function
in context (GTK), GTK: Recording Data - record_data, countdown
in GTK, GTK: Setting Up Plots - reset_deadbands, plot_prep
in Photon, Photon: Plots and Deadbands - query_refresh, reset_deadbands, db_prep_query
reset_value demo function
code, Update Functions - reset_value, write_data
in context, The Monitor Window - create_monitor
rollover demo method
code, Rollovers - PtBasic.rollover, attach_msg
round function (Gamma), QNX 6-specific Function - numeric_assign
Cascade Historian, Creating and Querying Historical Records
Cascade TextLogger, Making Logs and Plots
Controller, Starting Up
DataHub Viewer, Viewing and Changing Data Points
History, Creating and Querying Historical Records
Log, Making Logs and Plots
Monitor, Monitoring the PID Loop
PID Emulator, Starting Up
the demo, Starting Up, Choosing a Controller - the demo.g program
Windows PID Monitor, Using the Cogent PID Demo for Windows (available soon)


Send Cmd button, Making Logs and Plots, Common: Controlling the Cascade TextLogger - send_command
send function (Gamma), GTK: Preparing Plots - prepare_times, get_recent_data, Common: Starting and Stopping the Cascade TextLogger - log_toggle, Common: Controlling the Cascade TextLogger - send_command
send_async function (Gamma), Sending Messages - send_message, started_died_hook
send_command demo function
code , Common: Controlling the Cascade TextLogger - send_command
in context, GTK: Preparing Plots - prepare_times, get_recent_data
code, Common: Sending Commands to the Cascade Historian send_hs_command, assign_history, display_hs_info
in context (GTK), GTK: Recording Data - record_data, countdown
in context (Photon), Photon: Recording Data - record_data, countdown
send_message demo function
code, Sending Messages - send_message, started_died_hook
in context, Starting Programs - program_startup, Rollovers - PtBasic.rollover, attach_msg, Photon: Log callbacks - start_logging
send_query demo function
in context(GTK), GTK: Editing Queries - .change_int, allow_entry_values, .assign_values, GTK: Recording Data - record_data, countdown, GTK: Sending Queries - send_query, .get_data
in context(Photon), Photon: Sending Queries - send_query, .assign_values, .get_data
in GTK, GTK: Sending Queries - send_query, .get_data
in Photon, Photon: Sending Queries - send_query, .assign_values, .get_data
send_string function (Gamma), Common: Controlling the Cascade TextLogger - send_command
set function (Gamma), The PID Controller Class - PID_Controller, Button Functions - toggle_sym, change_settings, Button Functions - toggle_sym, change_settings
setprop function (Gamma), Trend Functions - accumulate_trends, update_trends
set_defaults demo method
code, Common: the InterpolatorSettings class and .set_defaults, .set_interpolator methods
in context (GTK), GTK: Recording Data - record_data, countdown
in context (Photon), Photon: Recording Data - record_data, countdown
set_interpolator demo method
code, Common: the InterpolatorSettings class and .set_defaults, .set_interpolator methods
in context (GTK), GTK: Sending Queries - send_query, .get_data
in context (Photon), Photon: Sending Queries - send_query, .assign_values, .get_data
set_label demo function
code, Label Functions - set_label, table_labeler
in context, The Monitor Window - create_monitor, Button Functions - toggle_sym, change_settings
set_parms demo method
code, Common: the DeadbandSettings class and .set_parms method
in context (GTK), GTK: the Deadband Type Window - create_dbtype_win, db_labels, db_options
in context (Photon), Photon: the Deadband Type Window - create_dbtype_win, db_options
set_sensitive demo method
code, Photon: Interpolator Options Widgets - PtText.set_sensitive, PtComboBox.set_sensitive
in context, Photon: Editing Queries - .change_int, .allow_entry_values
show_data demo function
in context(GTK), GTK: Sending Queries - send_query, .get_data
in context(Photon), GTK: Configuring gnuplot, Photon: Sending Queries - send_query, .assign_values, .get_data
in Gamma, GTK: Displaying Query Data - show_data, write_minmax, file_add
in Photon, Photon: Displaying Query Data - show_data
show_names demo method
code, Common: The Process Status Display - show_names, toggle_raw, .reassign_prog_name, extra_space
in context, Common: The Process Status Display - show_names, toggle_raw, .reassign_prog_name, extra_space
SIGCHILD, Handling Terminated Processes - child_died
signal function (Gamma), Starting Programs - program_startup, For QNX (lib/qnx.g)
slider_callback demo function
code, Callback Functions - slider_callback, num_callback
in context, The Monitor Window - create_monitor, Callback Functions - slider_callback, num_callback
scale, Monitoring the PID Loop, Update Functions - reset_value, write_data, Starting Programs - program_startup
SP_001 datahub point, The PID Controller Class - PID_Controller, Automatically Change SP Value - auto_control
started_died_hook demo function
code, Sending Messages - send_message, started_died_hook
in context, Starting Programs - program_startup
start_logging demo function
code, Photon: Log callbacks - start_logging
start_process demo function
code, Start a Process - start_process, find_on_path
in context, Control Button Functionality - start_stop
start_qnserves demo function
code (Tutorial One), Setting up Cogent Interprocess Communication - start_qnserves
code (Tutorial Two), Starting qserve and nserve - start_qnserves
in context (Tutorial One), Starting Programs - program_startup
in context (Tutorial Two), Starting Programs - program_startup
start_stop demo function
code, Control Button Functionality - start_stop
in context, GTK: Building Control Buttons - control_button, Photon: Log callbacks - start_logging
stdout button, Making Logs and Plots
stop_processes demo function
code , Stop Processes - stop_processes
in context, Starting Programs - program_startup, Control Button Functionality - start_stop
string function (Gamma), The PID Controller Class - PID_Controller, Start a Process - start_process, find_on_path, Common: The Text Message Display - read_msg and messages.txt, GTK: Preparing Plots - prepare_times, get_recent_data
string_split function (Gamma), Start a Process - start_process, find_on_path, Common: Plot Setup - find_midnite, min_max
strstr function (Gamma), Common: The Text Message Display - read_msg and messages.txt
switch statement (Gamma), Reassigning Strings - anyos_assign, Common: Controlling the Cascade TextLogger - send_command, Photon: Editing Queries - .change_int, .allow_entry_values, Common: the InterpolatorSettings class and .set_defaults, .set_interpolator methods
switched_on demo method
code, Buttons - .switched_on
in context, Control Button Functionality - start_stop, Common: The Process Status Display - show_names, toggle_raw, .reassign_prog_name, extra_space, GTK: Editing Queries - .change_int, allow_entry_values, .assign_values
symbol function (Gamma), The PID Controller Class - PID_Controller
system function (Gamma), Setting up Cogent Interprocess Communication - start_qnserves, Starting Programs - program_startup, System Calls - anyos_system, For QNX 6 (lib/qnx6.g), Choosing a Controller - the demo.g program


table_labeler demo function
code, Label Functions - set_label, table_labeler
in context, The Monitor Window - create_monitor
TCP/IP, Data Flow
ternary operator (Gamma), Button Functions - toggle_sym, change_settings, Button Functions - toggle_sym, change_settings
tl.cfg file, Common: The Cascade TextLogger Configuration File - tl.cfg
tloutput.dat file, Common: Starting and Stopping the Cascade TextLogger - log_toggle
toggle_raw demo function
code, Common: The Process Status Display - show_names, toggle_raw, .reassign_prog_name, extra_space
in context, Common: The Process Status Display - show_names, toggle_raw, .reassign_prog_name, extra_space
toggle_sym demo function
code in GTK, Button Functions - toggle_sym, change_settings
code in Photon, Button Functions - toggle_sym, change_settings
in context (GTK), The Monitor Window - create_monitor, Label Functions - set_label, table_labeler
try/catch statement (Gamma), Stop Processes - stop_processes, GTK: Sending Queries - send_query, .get_data, Photon: Sending Queries - send_query, .assign_values, .get_data, Common: the InterpolatorSettings class and .set_defaults, .set_interpolator methods
Controller, Controller Functions
History, History Functions
Log, Log Functions
Monitor (GTK), GTK Functions (in gtksimple.g)
Monitor (Photon), Photon Functions (in phsimple.g)
PID Emulator, The PID Emulator (emul.g)
Tutorial One, Tutorial One
Tutorial Two, Tutorial Two


unblock_signal function (Gamma), For QNX (lib/qnx.g)
undefined_p function (Gamma), GTK: Sending Queries - send_query, .get_data, Photon: Sending Queries - send_query, .assign_values, .get_data
update_trends demo function
code (Tutorial One), Trend Functions - accumulate_trends, update_trends
code (Tutorial Two), update_trends
in context (Tutorial One), The Monitor Window - create_monitor
usleep function (Gamma), Setting up Cogent Interprocess Communication - start_qnserves


wait function (Gamma), Handling Terminated Processes - child_died
while statement (Gamma), Emulating the PID Loop - change_values, Common: The Text Message Display - read_msg and messages.txt, Common: Starting and Stopping the Cascade TextLogger - log_toggle
Windows PID Monitor
in control flow, Control Flow
in data flow, Data Flow
running, Using the Cogent PID Demo for Windows (available soon)
with statement (Gamma), Stop Processes - stop_processes, Common: The Process Status Display - show_names, toggle_raw, .reassign_prog_name, extra_space
writec function (Gamma), GTK: Preparing Plots - prepare_times, get_recent_data
write_data demo function
code, Update Functions - reset_value, write_data
write_minmax demo function
code, GTK: Displaying Query Data - show_data, write_minmax, file_add
in context, GTK: Sending Queries - send_query, .get_data, GTK: Displaying Query Data - show_data, write_minmax, file_add
write_point function (Gamma), The PID Controller Class - PID_Controller, The Plant Model - change_procvar, Update Functions - reset_value, write_data, Button Functions - toggle_sym, change_settings, Callback Functions - slider_callback, num_callback